Whose Name We Share
94 2022 Another year began under the uncertainty of COVID restrictions, political discourse and the looming dread that comes with them. From the start of the year the news had been laden with stories of rampant cases and political disruptions and so a certain kind of vibe had befallen 8/12 Regiment that something was stirring. It wouldn’t take long to find out what, because the New Year had ticked over and it was time to work. Members had flights delayed due to isolation requirements and had their Christmas gatherings hampered by COVID and with no time to recoup, a national crisis in the aged care sector ensued. Upon return from Christmas leave, the entirety of 1 Brigade was faced with RSO&I briefs on the prospects of taking up a general duties role within the aged care sector across the country – an area that was swamped with overworked/underpaid staff. The order came as Prime Minister Scott Morrison sought to implement quick and radical change to the sector. The prospect was not well received across defence as it stemmed so far outside of the realm of soldierly duties, but the Battery would be ready to assist the community once more as they set their sights on Tasmanian shores. But it was never to be. The call never came as Reservists and other units filled the gaps first. This came as a relief to some and certainly foreshadowed a rocky start to an otherwise already stressful year. That being said the Battery found no reprieve as the Regiment was called upon to serve the very next month, this time taking them to Lismore NSW.
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