Whose Name We Share
100 Exercise Thunder Run The battery deployed to Cultana shortly thereafter on a Brigade exercise following the already high tempo set for the year. The cold June weather greeted the Regiment with hailing winds, spitting rain and steep mud. The exercise itself was low drag and featured the opportunity for the battery to shake out and get reps in for performing its primary role. There was much work to catch up on as the battery found itself with the opportunity to finally train. Live range practices by day and night occurred early on, with weapons qualifications and familiarisation with weapon systems. The culmination of the exercise for the battery would focus on a live fire defence of the gun position, with blank serials deposited throughout. Technical gunnery was also a highlight of the battery’s time in Cultana, as they worked hard to hit target rounds with low allocations and disruptive traces on a tight schedule. Movement was disrupted by the wild weather as the rain continued to soften the ground and create the sludge that Cultana was known for in its winter time. The middle of the exercise saw some reprieve however as the Regiment organised a Gunner’s Dinner to reflect on the monumental effort they’ve been through thus far. Officers served the soldiers in the open-aired event, featuring fresh food and even live music as well as a set performed by comedian. The much anticipated culmination of the exercise unfortunately never came as the weather had taken away the opportunity. Where possible, members filed through to observe rounds landing, but they wouldn’t be up close and personal as the safety aspect was unavoidably unfulfilled to have the go ahead. Members however were still able to put down serious rates on the last day of firing to make up for frustratingly low allocations and disruptive weather. The battery would then relax with the fresh food and soft beds in Port Wakefield’s experimental and proof range via the arrangements made by BHQ. The exercise ended in a warm hearty environment with good laughs, a few well-earned drinks and a hot meal. Through good relations the battery was able to store their equipment on site until they returned in August for a subsequent exercise. Following Thunder Run, BSM WO2 Mark Nipperess was subsequently deployed to Egypt on Operation Mazurka, handing over the role to WO2 Scott Fitzgibbon. The next round of lead up training occurred with specific focus on IMT’s, leadership training and blowing off steam with teamwork and initiative days on Fridays. These consisted of viewings of HBO’s Band of Brothers with subsequent reviews into ethical decision making, battlefield analysis, historical dives and research as lead by BC Major Joel Oates. The battery could enjoy a good routine for the time to come. Strength training made a return in PT with fun additives like combative training, obstacle course runs and combat PT. Sport continued to come and go as the Brigade committed members to Aged Care Assist and other domestic operations of which limited members deployed to in the Perth and Sydney areas.
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