Whose Name We Share
107 Chapter 6: 103 Forever In closing, this chapter aims to provide readers with further context into the battery’s achievements, significant people and awards. This information was procured through extensive research, however it is still incomplete. Some records have been lost over the years, some events were deemed too mundane to write down and memories fade. If you or someone you know might be able to contribute to this chapter, or any chapter in this edition, please get in contact so we can update the information in future editions. It is my hope that this writing can provide a reliable resource to the battery members past and present. Although the previous iterations of “103” are not directly related to the 103 rd Battery of the present day, it’s undeniable that the record of service of all those who share our name since the birth of the sphinx in 1916 justifies the battery of today to have immense pride in the history that has been created. We perpetuate the names of those who served and in doing so their memory lives on forevermore. We, the 103 rd , are but one brush stroke in the canvas that is the history of the Royal Australian Artillery and as we have observed 100 years of 103, 150 years of the RAA, Lest We Forget those whose name we share.
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