Whose Name We Share
2 Following their success in the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913, Serbia felt their fierce reputation had been enhanced and as such felt ten feet tall and bullet-proof. After the Balkan Wars, the nationalists returned their attention to liberating Slavs in Austria-Hungary. Colonel Dimitrijevic (alias Apis), head of the ominously named Union or Death secret service organisation begun planning the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand – heir presumptive to the throne of Austria-Hungary - who was due to visit Bosnia for military inspections. Colonel Dimitrijevic ordered the assassination. The Serbian Prime Minister, Nikola Pasic, aware but unsupportive of the plan, gave instructions to arrest the would-be-assassins as they tried to cross the border. But his orders were not followed. In Sarajevo at 11.30 am 28 June 1914 Gavrilo Princip, operating as one of six assassins, mortally shot Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination and having gained German support sent an unacceptable ultimatum to Serbia and giving only 48 hours to comply. Russia advised Serbia not to accept the ultimatum and on 28 July Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. There then followed a slew of European countries declaring war against one another. 29 July Russia mobilised against Austria-Hungary and Germany; 31 July Austria-Hungary mobilises; 1 August Germany declares war on Russia, France mobilises; 3 August Germany declares war on France; 4 August Britain declares war on Germany. The Ottoman Empire entered the war on 29 October 1914. Surprisingly enough, the war was welcomed by the citizens of Europe. Intense nationalism and blind patriotism lead the way in the attitudes of the people at the time. Its unlikely that any person could have imagined what the war would bring, thinking that it would be won in a matter of months. Some enlisted with national pride, patriotism, a fervour for getting even against the violation of treaties and intense emotions of national necessity. The call for help would eventually reach Australia, where volunteers would enlist from all over the country. With the declaration of war by Britain her empire was also at war although not duty bound to supply troops. But as the events in Europe were escalating the Australian Government had already advised the British Government they would ‘defend her to our last man and our last shilling’. Warships and a force of 20,000 were promised. Because the Australian Defence Act 1903 only allowed for home defence a volunteer force had to be raised. The Australian Imperial Force, or as we know them: the AIF. The Australian and New Zealand Forces moved to Egypt for training prior to deployment to Europe but the Ottoman Empire entry into the war saw them committed to a campaign in Gallipoli. With the withdrawal from Gallipoli the Australia troops congregated in Egypt. At this time the existing infantry comprised two Divisions (1 st and 2 nd ) and two Brigades (4 th and 8 th ) and some 40,000 reinforcements. It was decided to raise two new Australian Divisions (4 th and 5 th ) and a New Zealand Division. To achieve this it was agreed to share the experienced troops of the 1 st Division and 4 th Brigade with the 4 th and 5 th Divisions. This worked well with the Infantry where 16 existing battalions were split to form 32 battalions but it proved a problem with the artillery, a service requiring numerous specialists and longer and more careful training. In addition the artillery establishment for the Division
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