Whose Name We Share

112 Ordnance Quick Fire 25 Pounder This gun is by far a staple piece. Forming the backbone of the Royal Artillery through World War II like its predecessor before it, this gun is an 87mm field gun that played the role of a Howitzer by combining both high angle and direct fire capabilities. It did not outclass its opponents in firepower, for they shot 105mm, but this gun was highly manoeuvrable, with 360 degree shooting and could achieve higher rates of fire than traditional howitzer platforms and it had better range. The design comes as Royal Ordnance sought to combine the best parts of the 4.5in Howitzer and the 18pdr. They took the variable charge of the 4.5in and the higher velocity of the 18pdr and when combined they formed the 25 Pounder. The variable charge allowed for greater versatility whilst still maintaining a high rate of fire and the high velocity increased the range. Now that the world had been mechanised, the gun was now towed as well. The gun fired a generous 6 – 8 rounds per minute and could reach a staggering 12km. The muzzle velocity breaks in at a speedometer melting 532m/s. Over 13,000 would be produced over the course of its existence. The gun itself saw use until the 1960s and is still a popular piece for garden guns across the world. The 25pdr Credit: Imperial War Museum.