Whose Name We Share

132 supporterof her husband’s hardwork, she toosupported the battery’s gatherings. Forthewomenof today, being apart of thebiggerpictureandadesire forphilanthropy areadriving force for joining according toArtilleryCommand SystemsOperator Gunner Georgia Hladyszew. GNR Hladyszewpostedto the103 rd Batterythisyearaftersecondment tothe53 rd Battery. Excitedforthenext part of her journey at 8/12Regiment, GNR Hladyszew sought challenging experiences inworkingwith firingdata tocreate aballistic solution. HerexperiencewithintheRAAhastaught her that she’s extremelycapableofoperatingwithgraceunder pressure,whichisessential to theCommand Post’s functions. Shecontinuestobeanasset tothebattery and theRAAwithherexperienceof firing the batteryas aCPO, firing thegunas agunnumber and shootinga livemissionasaJFTmakesheroneof themost technicallywell-roundedgunners intheRAAto date. As she looks toher future inArmy she seesherselfbecomingoneof the first femaleACSO Bombardiers andencouragesanywomeninterested inarmy to just go for it – you won’t know it’s foryou if you don’t try.