Whose Name We Share

136 After finding her purpose on the gun line GNR Sinz has become well known as a favourable rammer who’s long since cast aside the chains of retail. Her hard work has helped her become qualified in 40M, HX77, Hawkei and even Subject One for Corporal, setting her up to one day become the first female Gunline Bombardier in the history of the 103 rd Battery – a goal of hers. Despite this, she is accredited as the longest serving woman in the 103 rd Battery’s history at four years. Gunnery is atesting andchallenging jobandtoexGunNumber IsabelleCloseshe looks fondly at the times she’d spent inthe103 rd , notablywhenyouwere soexhausted that youandthedetachmentwould laughat just aboutanything. Shebecame inspiredtojoinafter a lifeeventhadbrokena lot of herownself confidence andsought themilitaryexperience to re-establishher foundations again. She wasn’t one to shyaway fromthephysicalelement ofgunnerydespiteher small frameandher famouslypositive attitudesustainedthepeoplearoundher. Inpursuitof her lifelongdreamof beingaParamedic shewas able touseherexperience inthebatteryas a springboardtopropel herself in the right direction. Artillery is heavily regimented and at times is resistant to change, which made Gunner Close’s experience joining all the more intimidating and the prospect of stepping into a male dominated field made her hesitant. After doing some research and seeing a fire mission online with all the energy, drive and motivation of the gunners she became inspired. At first glance Gunner Close is small and wiry and so it was important to her on her posting to Darwin that she proved she was just as capable as everyone else and shared the same reasons for showing up to work every day. The RAA has an old fashioned way of doing things and the relevance of its methods in today’s army is questionable. Its culture is not without flaws and unfortunately for members like GNR Close it is at times hostile and unwelcoming. GNR Close urges women interested in Defence to make sure the role they’re researching is a good fit, because she feels if she had joined another role she very well could still be serving. Gunners don’t always leave because of the physical nature. Figure 57. GNR Close brings the gun into action. Credit: Isabelle Close. (Overleaf, GNR Close digs in the spades).