Whose Name We Share

10 In the beginning weeks of July, the Battery would move on to a new area of operations to the south. They marched by foot on the 11 th July to Balleul, a 48km journey which would put them just 3km from the Belgian border. On the 19 th of July, after a gruelling march they would finally arrive at a place called Becourt. Within this same day they engaged what they suspected to be enemy trenches near Pozieres. The tempo was only rising, after spending a week marching they immediately picked up again and began firing missions. According to their ammo state from the 20 th – 31 st July they’d fire 4093 rounds of HE, in support of the British and Australian Infantry for the Battle of Pozieres. The operations conducted around the Somme and Pozieres lasted until September. It was once said by historian Charles Bean that there was no other place on earth that is more densely sown with Australian sacrifice. The Battery would continue to support the various elements amongst the area of operations, firing a further 2213 HE into the muddy, dreadful terrain. From the 19 th of July to August the 12 th they would remain in position to support the operations in which the British were conducting in the area.