Whose Name We Share

24 The Battery’s New Home The 103 rd Battery quickly made strong local-ties with the community and was often reported about in newspapers such as The West Australian, The Westralian Worker and Western Mail. Onlookers would often gather to witness various training exercises with the 18 Pounder Howitzers, which would be received with enthusiasm and genuine interest. Full details of the tactics in practice, types of ammunition used and even the identities of visiting dignitaries would be reported about in excruciating detail – something you would only find in official Army newspapers today. It seems that local readers were not only interested in that kind of material but so much so that they would explore the absolute minutia of details as to paint a picture – in issue after issue The training the 103 rd Battery received during this time was varied and innovative. Standard gun drill practice was a staple, however learning to ride horses and the organisation of coastal defence made their way into the training programs. According to the West Australian on the 28 th Oct 1937, the Battery experimented with various methods of communication – both radio telephone and field telephone to ensure uninterrupted flow of adjustments sent from the OP. Two members of the weather bureau also provided accurate information on occasions as well, reporting on wind speed and direction to increase the effectiveness of fire. The Battery also experimented with link firing – a method where one gun is used to range find, and once the range is established, would then extend the mission to the rest of the battery for the fire for effect. This method is still used today. In light of the popularity of the Battery, their social lives were often written about. Members had been reported winning multiple trophies on every sports field imaginable, organising community events such as debutante balls and having the unique opportunity of attending quarterly reunions. The reunions themselves were for ex-103 rd Battery members who fought in the Great War, to give them acknowledgement and a place to be amongst friends. The invitations for the quarterly reunions in the town hall however were extended to any ex serving personnel and the like. The events would attract visits from veterans and dignitaries – including Sir Joseph Hobbs, the leader of the 1 st Divisional Artillery during the Great War. The Battery were reputed to draw large crowds to these events. Similarly, one article from The West Australian 22 nd May 1934, describes the organisation of a debutante ball. Members of the 103 rd Battery’s Sergeants Mess assisted the committee in the process of making preparations of the ball without charge. The article goes on to say that over 60 debutantes – a record for the state – wished to be a part of this specific ball and all of their partners were to be military men. Of the 60 girls, 8 would be nominated by the Lady Mayoress of Perth, a clear display of her interest in the community, the military and by extension the Battery. The committee, of which the 103 rd Battery were invested in, organised an honour guard for the girl’s arrivals – complete with a bugle call as they walk a literal red carpet. It was this kind of engagement that made the Battery very well liked within the community.