Whose Name We Share

35 Following Long Tan, the Battery would operate in support of 5RAR and as a result they would begin to spend more time away from the relative safety of Nui Dat. The AWM states that the battery supported 5 RAR during Operation Toldedo (AKA Darlinghurst). The 103 rd Battery occupied a position in the vicinity of Binh Bah village and awaited the call for fire when 5 RAR inevitably sought out the enemy. The Operation required 5RAR to begin sweeping across parts of the Phuoc Tuy province, specifically where they could seek out and find any Viet Cong withdrawing from the Battle of Long Tan. This was to maintain momentum and to follow through on the successes won at Long Tan. The issue was that the Australian Task Force was too undermanned to effectively carry out this operation over a large area, so a combined operation with the Americans was soon organised. Operation Toledo covered two weeks of little success. The propaganda generated by the Viet Cong claimed that they had won the Battle of Long Tan and claimed to have wiped out 6 RAR. Prisoners from Long Tan, however, confirmed the units in which they served were severely weakened and furthermore they eluded to another regiment preparing a counter attack on Binh Bah. During the course of the Operation, the Marines and 5 RAR swept in a southerly direction in order to repel the enemy and push them into pre-made blocking positions held by the Marines or the Task Force. The 103 rd Battery took up positions in the Binh Bah village whilst 5RAR conducted their patrols, however the operation would prove completely fruitless – they would only take out a handful of enemy and according to the 5 RAR Association’s website no calls for fire were needed.