Whose Name We Share

70 2014 2014 saw the 103 rd Battery operate in the reset phase, which means members can enjoy a focus on courses and individual development. Only three major exercises were conducted during that year, however, each was significant as they deployed to Mount Bundey to attend Exercise Thunder Run 1 and 2 as well as Far North Queensland on Exercise Hamel. Those exercises held an emphasis on junior leadership development, testing the bombardiers of the battery to perform at their best. The battery also achieved M777 underslung operations, making the guns air mobile! The gunline and CP were exposed to danger close in the observation post as well as experiencing live fire defence of the gun position in combined arms serials. They also achieved the safe conduct of arduous training of the highest order coming in the form of food and sleep deprivation, urban operations training and operational flights on the P-3 Orion. The Battery also provided the first Joint Fires and Effects Coordination Centre to an Aviation Battle Group as well as providing personnel for an exchange with the Indonesian army. The battery provided support in an exceptional manner to the Royal Military College, Recruit Training Centre and School of Artillery through various means. After all the key activities were successfully completed and after conducting many courses the year finally came to a close with the opening of the MC Langley Club as the Battery Boozer – of which its still named today. The battery of this time is still remembered through a commemorative plaque on the wall of the Brew Room. Figure 1. A P-3 Orion takes flight. Open Source