4 Fd Regt SVN 'Old Boys' Newsletter - July 2006 Edition

4 Field Regiment (SVN) Association (aka 4 th Field Regt Old Boys) Newsletter No 13. July 2006 3 If your address details are not correct please advise us of any changes activities which includes trips to the US of A, WA and his growing dahlias. All this when he is not setting records in the seniors weight lifting arena at the local Gym! Tom had an operation on his hip back in December and from all reports is nearly back to his old self. He anticipates attending an Army reunion in Darwin in April/May 2007. I hope he can fit in the Townsville reunion as well.  Barry Pearce sent in his Life Membership subs and was look forward to the 107 Bty Reunion in Townsville (2005). He also advised us of a number of ex 2RAR and 4 Fld Regt members who have had their slides scanned and placed on Ern Marshall's web site “Australia's involvement in Vietnam”. Well worth a look says Barry although quite frightening how young we all looked 35 years ago.  Brian Jansen gave us a run down on Dave Hellrich and his collection of model planes. He tells us that Allan Thompson has had a few medical problems and nearly lost a foot but is on the mend by all reports. Quickbits.  Chris Reid is busy practising his golf these days. He is out for revenge on the beautiful Myrtleford course. Speaking of golf, the Legacy weekend of golf is on the 4 th /5 th November this year. Saturday at Bright and Sunday at Myrtleford. Lots of prizes to be won on two of the best golf courses in North East Victoria. Why not get a group together and join us for a couple of great days of golf and entertainment. Accommodation packages available on request.  PJ Smith, is now living back in Melbourne very close to his old stomping grounds. PJ is working on his golf again and is a country member here at Myrtleford.  My old golf coach Garry Jones is not playing much golf these days but walks his local course with a putter in hand and does a bit of course maintenance for the green keeper. His coaching back in the early 70s when we lived next door to each other in Singapore is finally paying off (sometimes) and I am really enjoying swinging a club these days. Garry and Dawn caught up with Ian Prewett in Mossman (North Qld) recently. By all reports Ian & Gail are enjoying life to the fullest. What about a yarn or two on what you have been up to over the last 30 odd years Ian?  Has anyone heard how Ken Marchin is travelling these days? Letter from Colonel Arthur Burke: The Regimental committee of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery is very conscious that our Second World War Gunner associations are in the category where 'age doth weary them'. It is seeking through the state-based Colonels Commandant, ways to assist them to preserve their associations as long as is desired. It is sad, for example that many WW2 units have already turned out the lights without their records being placed in a worthy repository or their banners stored and displayed annually. I already have procedures in place for extending the public life of unit banners and have written to the Gunner WW2 associations in Queensland offering to publish and distribute their annual reunion notices, and in time to arrange for their old records to be passed to the RAA National Museum at North Head, Sydney. Speaking with various WW2 veterans recently, I am very aware that though they might desire to attend the annual Gunners' Dinner at Enoggera, going out at night is a particular limitation these days. As an