4 Fd Regt SVN 'Old Boys' Newsletter - July 2006 Edition

4 Field Regiment (SVN) Association (aka 4 th Field Regt Old Boys) Newsletter No 13. July 2006 4 If your address details are not correct please advise us of any changes alternative this year, I have arranged an Artillery Day Luncheon at the Victoria Barracks Mess, Petrie Terrace on Tuesday 1 August commencing at 12 noon for a 12.30 PM buffet. This will be a jacket and tie affair and a two-course meal plus cheese and fresh fruit, tea, coffee, beer, red and white wines has been arranged for $25 per head. It would also be appropriate if some of the more modern Gunner associations were also present at this luncheon. To this end, I invite you to canvas your management committee and older members for representatives to attend. Will you please write or phone me before 24 July to advise the names of your members who will be attending the function. Ubique, Arthur. Eds Note. On behalf of all members of our association, hearty congratulations to Arthur Burke on his award of the Medal of the Order of Australia announced in the Queens Birthday Honours. A very worthy recipient. Mike Lowry writes: (Way back in Feb 05 – sorry Ed) Firstly, Peter & Gabby I must congratulate and thank your for your terrific efforts with our bulletin – without it we would all fade away! I have enjoyed reading the bulletins but have so far been unable to put pen to paper or my hand in my pocket. Also I'm happy to support the paver contribution. I made many good friends in the army and it makes my heart heavy that I don't get to see almost any of them anymore. ANZAC DAY to me is a sad one because I think of the memories and mates I should be having a beer with on that day (and recalling stories). I march every 5 years or so hoping to catch up with some buddies but in Sydney the turnout is very disappointing with only about 5 or 6 turning up including Kerry Boyce & Peter Oakes to name a few. I'd love to see many more guys making an effort. It's all a bit disheartening. After the 2004 march I was about to put my first beer to my lips only to receive a phone call that our home security siren had just activated. My wife, 3 children and I (who were walking back to our car) rushed to our car parked in the Queen Victoria Building car park to head home only to find the windows smashed and an expensive camera (hidden under the blanket) stolen. We wondered if the twerp had entered the house as well as we sped over the harbour bridge covered in broken glass. We burst into our house only to find everything untouched. That was my last ANZAC Day! Some of the good mates I remember were Ray Hooper (Travelling Australia) Ken Adams (very sick with emphysema), Dane Hanlow, Ray Barber, Col Montford, Herb Zeller, Lindsay Black, Wo Taylor oh and “Skippy” and what about Van Waggon & Corbett.. I was the bloke an American MP Jeep screeched up beside one afternoon of an “overnighter” with a bag containing a carton of cigarettes and 2 cakes of lux soap. (The traditional fee for a little company for the night) I was promptly whisked back to base to face what felt like a court martial – lucky I was still a gunner – left right left right left right to face a table full of high ranking officers – they giggled as they pronounced their sentence of 7 Consecutive nights on sentry duty, washing what felt like 100 saucepans at the Sergeants' Mess and drill every day in full kit.....left right, left, right turn left, turn by bloody Sgt Tom Beynon – its OK Tom! Anyway!- I guess I'll have a sad ANZAC DAY again this year and just go to the beach or something – UNLESS any of my mad mates (or others) happen to contact me on 0418 673 607(mob) or 9960 2336(h) or 9968 2750(fax) Mlowry@bigpond.com PS I've always got a coldie in the fridge if anyone is passing through UC DAI LOI CHEAP CHARLIE? Get your subs in! ! !