4 Fd Regt SVN 'Old Boys' Newsletter - July 2006 Edition

4 Field Regiment (SVN) Association (aka 4 th Field Regt Old Boys) Newsletter No 13. July 2006 1 If your address details are not correct please advise us of any changes Peter Bruce Tele: 03 5752 2114 Mobile: 0419 349 317 PO Box 328 Myrtleford Vic 3736 Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Late compliments of the season to one and all. I hope you all had a great Xmas and that 2006 meets all your expectations. If you think you may have missed a couple of issues don't worry- there hasn't been one since October 2004 .Not much in the way of news has come in recently but a few items of interest have come to hand. I was only going to send this out to those who have paid their subs (or are just a little bit behind) but with the important item of the possible reunion in Townsville we decided to send it to all on our mailing list. Just a polite reminder that those who have paid their dues are paying for the postage of those who haven't. Check out your membership status on the envelope and if you are in the red please forward your subs to Gabby Hayes, 36 Ravel Street, Burpengary QLD 4505. I went to the RAA Association of Victoria Gunner Dinner in Melbourne on Friday the 1 st of July this year. A great night out at the Prahran Town Hall with a great meal and music supplied by the band of the 2/10 Medium Regiment. These dinners are held in most of the major capitals and are open to all serving and ex serving gunners. Why not get a group together and go along to one of the RAA Association functions. For more information contact the RAA Association in your state. I f you can't find a contact anywhere, give me a call and I will put you onto the right person. Some events I know of that are coming up include:  RAA Association NSW Gunner Dinner at Club Willoughby on Saturday 5 August 2006. Further information from Mr Pat Sewell, 6 Iramir Place, Warriewood, NSW, 2102 Tele 02 9997 2290 Cost $58.00 per head.  The Locators are having a reunion at Coffs Harbour on the 17,18,19 & 20 August 2006. Contact Dave Auld on 02 6652 3561 or divloc131@hotmail.com or Dave Doyle on 02 6658 3355.  RAA Association Western Australia - Gunner Day Service and Parade on 6 November 2006. More information from www.artillerywa.org.au  Artillery Day Luncheon at the Victoria Barracks Mess, Petrie Terrace on Tuesday 1 August commencing at 12 noon for a 12.30 PM buffet. Special Notice Townsville Reunion in April/May 2007 to celebrate the first deployment of 4 th Field Regiment to South Vietnam in 1967. After discussions with John Wilson (Currently President of the RAA Association North Queensland) and the Commanding Officer of 4 th Field Regiment, LtCol Michael Kingsford, we are proposing to hold an Association Reunion in Townsville between the 25 th of April 2007 and the 4 th of May 2007 (final dates to be confirmed). We need expressions of interest by the end of August this year. Do it Now! Please contact me by any means (see above) and let me know of your interest in the reunion. I would see the reunion taking a similar format as our last big reunion there in 1991. Families welcome and catered for and the CO has offered the support of the Regiment.