4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2007 Edition
4 th Field Regiment (SVN) Association AKA 4 th Field Regiment Old Boys Newsletter No 14 February 2007 PO Box 328 Myrtleford Vic 3737 Tele: 03 5752 2114 or 0419 349 317 Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au he could kick a rugby ball and how quick he could drink a schooner of New when it was my shout!! One of the main issues for this newsletter is the matter of the Pavers for the North Head Memorial Walk. You may recall I have been trying to get a few donations out of you lot for a couple of years now. Well, things have come to a head. This is where we stand at the moment. Our Old Boys association has $1265.00 set aside for pavers. This has been via the generosity of a small group of our members. 4 th Field Regiment has set aside $3000.00 towards the pavers. 108 Bty Association have already funded a paver as has A Field Battery which leaves four pavers to be funded ie 106 Bty, 107 Bty, HQ Bty and of course a central 4 th Field Regiment Paver. The large pavers are $1500.00 each and I hope to finalise the paver issue with a visit to North Head on the 17/18 th March. George Salmon has been instrumental in getting things moving and is stirring the pot with the 107 Bty Association via Hilton Lenard and they have collected $750.00 to date. If you can afford it, please send your donation to Gabby Hayes and let him know which Bty you want your donation to go towards. One of our members has sent in $5.00 which is what he can afford. I am sure some of us may be able to afford a bit more. Basically we need another $1000.00 to finish the paver project. Any extra we receive above and beyond that amount we will earmark for another project in the future. Our association’s bank balance at the moment is $6875.65 which includes the $1265.00 set aside for the pavers. I don’t particularly want to use our reserves but if we can’t raise the extra we may have to and replace it in the future. Please forward all donations (and subs) to; Gabby Hayes, 36 Ravel Street, Burpengary Qld 4505. Please make cheques payable to 4 th Field Regiment Old Boys or direct to account: BSB 064 116 Account: 10078231 If you use Eftpos, please advise Gabby of the details. That’s it for this issue. No more mail to report but if you want any of the journals/newsletters forwarded on to you just give me a call. I haven’t got any details of ANZAC Day events as yet so if you know of something happening please let me know. If you are anywhere near Myrtleford this ANZAC Day, make sure you drop in. Could be a big day this year in Myrtleford. Don’t forget, anything for the newsletter to the address below and all monies to Gabbs. Best wishes to all. Peter Bruce
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