4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2007 Edition

4 th Field Regiment (SVN) Association AKA 4 th Field Regiment Old Boys Newsletter No 14 February 2007 PO Box 328 Myrtleford Vic 3737 Tele: 03 5752 2114 or 0419 349 317 Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au G’day to one and all. I trust Santa was good to you all and you are now well into breaking any New Year resolutions you may have made. We received a nice Christmas Card from Di Gardner wishing us all the very best so if anyone would like to respond just give me a call and I will pass on her address. I have just received the latest copy of the Tiger Rag from 105 Bty and the latest edition of The Journal With No Name from John Wells. The Tiger Rag is the journal of the 105 th Battery RAA Association Inc and is an excellent journal which seems to get better each issue. It’s packed with lots of photos, yarns, stories and useful information. Arthur Burke has done an excellent piece on the Regimental System and there is a detailed update on what the Regiments have been up to. I have the official copy for our association so if anyone wants it just let me know and I will forward it on. The 108 Bty Journal with no name has interesting bits and pieces about various characters in the Bty and all the contact details for members. Again if you are interested in joining up with the 108 Bty group contact John Wells on 03 5944 3157 or 0417 544 357 or email him at jcwells2@ozemail.com.au They are planing their next reunion at Woolgoolga from 13 to 15 September 2008 yes that’s 2008 . Speaking of reunions, the reunion in Townsville this April/May is off . Interest from our members was not exactly staggering although there was a hard core who were keen to go. I have spoken to John Wilson in Townsville and we have decided to put off any reunion for the time being. However if anyone was heading up north around ANZAC Day or a bit after, I am sure the Townsville boys would make you feel most at home. The Regiment is flat strap at the moment with so many of the Regiment deployed overseas in various roles. It may have been a bit much to expect the Regiment to assist us with any organised reunion functions etc but we will see what the future brings. The current CO is LTCOL Mike Kingsford and apart from being acting Brigade Commander at times and being deployed to Fiji on HMAS Kanimbla , things are pretty quite up there – not! I have also receive a copy of the latest edition of Per Medium , the journal of the 2/1 Medium Artillery Association. I was involved with these guys while I was RSM of 8/12 Medium Regiment in Holsworthy and they do a great job of staying in touch with each other. Unfortunately, they are not getting any younger and the The Last Post notifications seem to get longer with each edition. Have also received a copy of the latest Gunfire magazine which is the journal of the RAA Association (NSW) Inc. Other mail I received was a letter and photos from Dick King. Dick sent me a copy of his record of service and some great photos. I will try an reproduce some of them one of these days. Dick joined the Army in June 1965 from Karrakatta in Perth. He served with 108 Bty in Vietnam (1967-68) and in Singapore and Malaya (1970-71). Dick was involved with 106 Trials Battery in Townsville when the RAA was evaluating which 155 to buy. Dick went on to get commissioned to Captain and retired as Quarter Master of 2/15 Field Regiment in Melbourne in 1990. Some of my memories of Dick are how far