4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - July 2008
4 th Field Regiment (SVN) Association AKA 4 th Field Regiment Old Boys Newsletter No 17. July 2008 Peter Bruce: P O Box 328 Myrtleford Vic 3737. Tele/Fax 03 5752 2114. Mobile 0419 349 317. Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Gabby Hayes: 36 Ravel Street, Burpengary Qld, 4505. Tele 07 3888 9665 Email: gabbyhayes@ozemail.com.au Kerry Boyce: 1/36 Wyena Rd, Pendle Hill NSW 2145. Tele 02 9636 9546 Fax: 02 9631 7635 Email: kboyce@bigpond.net.au PTO Other News Peter (Scobie) Dobbs, recently celebrated a mile stone of 40 years of dedicated service in the Australian Regular Army. Peter enlisted on the 6 th of May in 1968 and of course was allocated to the RAA. Peter has served in a variety of regimental, staff and training appointments throughout his career including several RSM (including 4 th Field Regiment) and Master Gunner appointments. Peter was commissioned in January 1991 and is now as a Major in HQ 1 st Division in Brisbane. On behalf of all us ‘Old Boys” we send our congratulations to Peter and wish him and wife Beth all the very best for the future. David Larter is still serving as well. Dave just notched up 41 Years service and is currently posted as the Garrison Sergeant Major at Gallipoli Barracks in Brisbane. Dave enlisted back in July 67 and has also served in a variety of Regimental, Instructional and staff appointments. At one stage he was very heavy into sailing and competed on the world stage. Dave tells me he may review his situation at the end of this year and decide whether to soldier on some more or not. Congratulations to you too Dave, from all of us. N/F on the front of the envelope this newsletter came in means Not Financial and the costs associated with this letter are being borne by those who are financial. Only financial members have been receiving newsletters including details of the ACB. As this Paver Unveiling is an important event and an opportunity for many 4 th Field Old Boys to get together, we decided to send a copy to all on my mailing list. If you would like to be part of the Association please forward your subs ($5.00 per year or Life Member for $120.00) to Gabby Hayes. Hon means honorary member and the year (eg 2008 ) indicates to when you are financial. Kerry Boyce is arranging applications for the Army Combat Badge (ACB). If you have not applied for your ACB, contact Kerry or myself and we will forward you an application form. Kerry will then submit the application on behalf of our association to the Head of Corps of the RAA. For non financial members there is a $5.00 fee for postage and handling. For more information on the ACB check it out on any of the RAA websites or Google ACB. 108 Field Battery members are having a reunion at Woolgoolga on the second weekend of September 08. Further details from John Well at john.wells8@bigpond.com.au . Best wishes to one and all and please let me know if you are going to attend the weekend in October as soon as you can. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with mates you may not have seen for some time. Don’t send any money but I do need an indication of numbers. Please forward any info or news events so I can include them in future newsletters. Regards to one and all, Peter Bruce
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