4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - July 2008
4 th Field Regiment (SVN) Association AKA 4 th Field Regiment Old Boys Newsletter No 17. July 2008 Peter Bruce: P O Box 328 Myrtleford Vic 3737. Tele/Fax 03 5752 2114. Mobile 0419 349 317. Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Gabby Hayes: 36 Ravel Street, Burpengary Qld, 4505. Tele 07 3888 9665 Email: gabbyhayes@ozemail.com.au Kerry Boyce: 1/36 Wyena Rd, Pendle Hill NSW 2145. Tele 02 9636 9546 Fax: 02 9631 7635 Email: kboyce@bigpond.net.au PTO Paver Project. Many of you would be aware of our paver project which has been ongoing for a couple of years. Well the project nears completion with the unveiling of the remaining pavers to be held at North Fort on Saturday the 18 th of October 2008 . The final large pavers ie 4 th Field Regiment, 106 Field Battery and HQ Battery and the smaller individual pavers will be all unveiled. The pavers are all laid in the Memorial Walk at the Royal Australian Artillery National Museum at North Head. If you have never been to the Museum or have not been for some time you are in for a real treat. An enormous amount of work has been done by the North Fort members and it is fast becoming a must see while in Sydney. Details of the weekend. Friday night everyone is invited to a meet and greet function at the Manly Sea Eagles Club in Brookvale starting at 1800 hours. Final details will be provided once we get confirmation of numbers attending. On Saturday the official side of things will start with a small service at 1100 hours. We will then view the pavers and then split into smaller groups to be taken on guided tours of the RAA National Museum. A BBQ lunch and refreshments will be available at North Fort from 1230 hours. On Saturday night, again if the numbers are there, we will have dinner in a private room at the Manly Leagues Club. Sunday will be a free day for all to do their own thing and catch up with old mates etc. I would like to stress that family and friends are welcome to attend all functions. Indicative costs are around $10.00 per person for the BBQ and buy your own drinks; around $10.00 per head for light snacks on Friday night, again buy your own drinks from our private bar and dinner will be available in the dinning room for those interested, again buy your own. Dinner on the Saturday night will be around $40.00 per person for a buffet meal in our own room again with a bar available for buy your own drinks. There is a cost to hire the private rooms at the Leagues Club and we will be able to cover most of this from our “Old Boys Funds” providing Gabby Hayes the treasurer gives us the OK. The Commanding Officer of 4 th Field Regiment had indicated he would like to have several serving members of the Regiment attend the weekend. The Regiment was very much involved in raising much of the money needed to finance the project. Our old boys association may be able to assist the soldiers by covering their meal costs. Accommodation. We are staying at the Travelodge Manly Warringah which is just opposite the Manly Leagues Club and offer reasonable rates. Visit www.travelodge.com.au or telephone 02 8978 1200. There are many other places to stay in and around the Manly/Dee Why area. Everyone should look after their own accommodation needs. I need an indication of numbers attending the weekend to allow booking of venues etc. If you are thinking of attending please let me know by one of the avenues above. Please use email if possible and let me have a contact email or phone number so I can keep you informed. I will only forward additional information to those who indicate they may attend.
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