4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - January 2010
From Hilton Leonard, Secretary 107 Bty Assoc: G'day fellow ex members of 4 Fd Regt. The birthday activities follows directly the 107 Fd Bty Assn Reunion 2010 (24-29 Apr) which will be 40 years to the week that 107 Bty commenced deployment to Vietnam. The significant Regimental birthday activities are planned for Friday 30 Apr and Sat 1 May. 107 Fd Assn has a booking of 60 rooms at a central CBD hotel (you may recall it as Lowths Hotel) for our reunion, with the option for members to extend their stay for the Regimental activities at the same concessional rate. Not all our members plan to remain for the Regimental birthday (eg the Malaysian vintage who were not with 4 Fd Regt). So non 107 Bty Assn ex-members of 4 Fd Regt are invited to join our remaining members for the 4 Fd Regt activities and get the accommodation rate (commencing from just $107 per room/night - see attached Registration for details) (NB go to 107 web site for registration, Ed) during the Regimental birthday activities. There are undoubtedly higher quality and more expensive accommodation establishments available in Tve, but none that will match this value and few in the CBD. More details of the Regt activities will follow after the Regimental planning conference in early November. Transport arrangements, similar to the rest of our Reunion, are also planned from the accommodation for members attending the 50 birthday activities. Attached is a copy of the 107 Bty Assn R10 Registrations which contains details of the hotel and transport arrangements. This offer is offered on the basis of providing assistance to fellow 4 Fd Regt Gunners and not intended as any means of profit or gain by our Assn just helping fellow gunners. However, a small charge will apply to cover any costs and the administrative effort involved. Also the first in gets any available rooms principle applies. A separate Registration will be issued once all arragements have been finalised. Any questions then contact me direct. Hilton Lenard, Secretary, 107 Fd Bty Assn, m: 0418 695 345, www.107fdbty.com Various items of interest that have come to me over the last 12 months or so include: http://vietnam-war.commemoration.gov.au/artillery/index_vidF03896.php shows some live video footage of 108 Bty during Op Paddington. Les Cooper in Parrearra Qld sent in his subs and wishes one and all the compliments of the season. Thanks Les. Di Gardner sent us a Christmas card and asked for her best wishes to be passed on to one and all. I know you will all join me in wishing Di and the entire family all the very best for the year ahead. Does anyone know how to cancel a bid on E-Bay? I put in a bid for a "Mickey Mouse Outfit", and now it seems I am only six minutes away from owning the Carlton Football Club! I had a call from Darryl Cooper recently. He and Wendy are both well and were at Elgie Sukies 60 th and a few names came up. Coops sent me a couple of photos which bring back all sorts of memories about old friends not seen for so many years. The only one left to turn 60 must be Graham Leonard! I made it in December. Seems only yesterday I was having my 21 st in a little bar in Nui Dat! 107 Battery have a great organisation going. Check out their web site at www.107fdbty.com 108 Battery Reunion web site is www.108fieldbatteryreunion.com or for more info email Dennis Webb at info@108fieldbatteryreunion.com John Wells keeps everyone informed with tall tails and true via their newsletter “The Journal With No Name”. Wellsy can be contacted at PO Box 407 Beaconsfield Vic 3807 or tele 03 5944 3157 or mobile 0417 544 357 or John.wells8@bigpond.com
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