4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - January 2010

Dear Mum and Dad, is it cold in Ballarat? We’re getting it hot today in Nui Dat. We had a good flight getting over here, refuelled in Singapore with brekky and Tiger beer. Waited at Saigon airport with little to do after strange burgers for lunch, we boarded a caribou. Arriving here, I was nervous and shaky until being welcomed by guys yelling about “days and awakey”. It was nice of the troops to put us at ease, the digger spirit comes alive when serving overseas. Vietnam will be great, I am sure it is so I have already been invited to the dogs at Dat Do All the guys are saying “it’s a highlight of your stay” a bus picks you up and wearing civvies is O.K. I’ve got new betting money called MPC and I’m told the track bars sell a nice Saigon tea. So don’t worry about me, in this delightful war zone when I get to Dat Do I’ll call you by phone. Your loving Son (Ken Morrison Dec 04) What about this one? Another can of VB for the first correct answer. (photo compliments of Darryl Cooper). Regards to one and all. Susie and I will be in Townsville for the activities. Hope to catch up with some of you up there. Peter Bruce