4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2011 Edition
Rick Liddlelow and Franc (Frances) Edwards Franc Edwards playing at the Point Hotel in Pyrmont. From John Hume. Hi Peter , a while ago Alf Hickinbotham and I sent you fees money ,I don’t remember how long ago, but we are sure that we need to send you more money. could you please let me know,(John Hume) and yes we are happy to receive the newsletter by e-mail. our addresses are alf- ahickinbotham@hotmail.com and mine is fradonjan@hotmail.com thank you. We were both in Townsville for the reunion, obviously as you can see us in the photo's, but it was well worth the trip, great to see a lot of ol faces and we could not believe how much Townsville had changed, but you would have to expected that. I was told is was the second largest city in Queensland - hard to believe that. Anyway all the best, John and Alf. (Alf has not caught up with computers he is not happy to get in front of one, so i am sending this on his behalf too) From Kevin Murphy . Hi Peter, What a great news letter, have read it 3 times, looked at the pictures many times over. I was disappointed that I couldn’t attend the Townsville reunion, I was holidaying at Port Douglas with my daughter and grand children during the last 2 weeks of May. If I had known earlier that the reunion was on I would have rescheduled my holidays so that I would have been there during the reunion. Everyone in the photos looks like the years have been kind to them. I have been retired for many years now and , with my wife still involved with basset hounds, over 30 years now. I agree that we should continue as we are and I am interested in what ever you want to put in the news letter. My email address is kevinmurphy7@optusnet.com.au we are still living in The Basin. Cheers. Kevin Murphy Barny Barnard sent me this. Apparently a letter from a young law student. Dear Australian Laborites, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Gillard, et al: We have stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future
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