4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2011 Edition
instil into the younger generation the values and pride in being a “Fair Dinkum Aussie” and the reasons we need to retain our own identity. John Trist, Deniliquin. From Graham Hampton, webmaster for the Australian Artillery Association Website – Hi all, I thought I would take the liberty of sending this email out to notify you all of an upcoming important and historic event. The Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery will hold the 3 rd only ever National Gunner Dinner to be held in Canberra on 14 May 2011. The actual title of the dinner is the National ‘CORAL’ Gunner Dinner. Full details of the dinner can be obtained by visiting our website: http://www.australianartilleryassociation.com . The Australian Artillery Association Website have pre booked a number of tables for our members who wish to attend, and you would be most welcome to join us there on this memorable occasion. I encourage you all to visit the Australian Artillery Association website and should you decide to attend simply follow the instructions on the dedicated information webpage. You can either, as part of your booking process, request to be seated at the tables of the Australian Artillery Association or email me to make the seating arrangements on your behalf. Member’s of the Australian Artillery Association have for the past couple of years been invited to attend the Royal New Zealand Artillery Annual Gunner Dinner. We attended in 2008 and 2010 and look forward to returning in either 2011 or 2012. The Australian Artillery Association have, with the approval of the event organisers, extended an invitation for members of the Royal New Zealand Artillery Association to attend the National ‘Coral’ Gunner Dinner at which we hope a number of their members will attend. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as can make it. It certainly will be a great night. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 0411 141 580 or via return email. On behalf of everyone at the Australian Artillery Association may I extend to you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe and Prosperous New Year for 2011. Kind Regards, UBIQUE. Graham Hampton webmaster@australianartilleryassociation.com Author unknown but I found this in ‘ Per Medium’ the newsletter of the 2/1 Medium Artillery Association. The association’s members are dwindling but they still get together whenever they can. Max Wagstaff is the editor of this fine journal. Epitaph for a Soldier (Author unknown) Build me no monuments. Should my time come, please do not weep for me and waste your tears. Write not my name on honour rolls of fame to crumble with man’s memory through the years. Wear no dark clothes; speak in no saddened voice, seeking rare virtues which didn’t exist. I ask one thing – that in still, far off days, Someone who knew me should in their daily rounds, suddenly pause, caught by some sight or sound, Some glance, some phrase, some trick of memory’s ways which brings me to mind, then I shall wait, Egar with hope, perhaps to hear - “how great if he were here with us still!” And then at the end, all that I wish for is just – “he was my friend! From John (Bo) Plenty. Peter, Long time no hear,see etc etc glad to know you are involved with the guns still I will put your message on our agenda and have it included in our minutes for 19 th Feb. I have become heavily involved (by choice I must add) with those who served in Malaya/sia Singapore, Timor,
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