4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2011 Edition
Borneo, Sarawak, Brunei since WW@ up to and including present day.. would be grateful if you could mention our website www.nmbvaa.com so anyone interested can take a look. Our involvement and sincerity is shown there (please do not confuse us with nmbvaa.org.au nothing to do with us) we are far too professional to get involved those who are not. Regards to all, John (Bo) Plenty , State President, National Malaya Timor Borneo Veterans Association Australia, South Australia Inc From a very good friend of mine in the states. Have you ever been homeless? Do you know anyone who is, or has ever been homeless? I mean, really know them, not just know they exist? Here are some sobering facts for Australia, too. *Volunteers who tried to interview every homeless person in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane found many were worse off than those living on the streets in New York, LA and Chicago. *More than 50 per cent of those questioned were vulnerable, those most at risk of death due to age or ill health, compared with 44 per cent in America. *The at-risk group was also spending an average of 11 years on the streets in Australia - five years longer than the US. *Common Ground organizer Kara Mergl said people were finding themselves homeless at a younger age than in America. *Some people who are finding themselves on the streets at 15 or 16 are still sleeping rough for decades. *"We believe the early age people are finding themselves homeless is because of the higher rates of foster care in this country. Please visit these sites listed below if you would like more information about what Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and many other cities around the world are doing to improve our world, one person at a time. Because I am very good friends with the leader of the national project and who was in your country to train your volunteers just a few months ago, I know your country is making huge strides to find housing for those less fortunate than you and me. She told me just tonight how impressed she is with all that Australia is doing to eradicate this epidemic. www.youtube.com/user/100khomescampaign (4 minute video of what this campaign is all about) http://100khomes.org/blog/melbourne-kicks-off-registry-week-in-australia \ http://100khomes.org/blog/registry-week-wraps-up-in-sydney http://invisiblepeople.tv/blog/ (amazing blog on homelessness by one of today's speakers, Mark Horvath) Want to keep track on Twitter? #100khomes Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/100khomes?ref=ts (US National Website) http://www.facebook.com/pages/50-Lives-50-Homes/113951068637152 (Brisbane) http://www.facebook.com/MS2HFB (Melbourne) All my best, Jessica Smith, Certified Wish Game Facilitator, International Heal Your Life Workshop Leader, Certified Heal Your Life Personal Coach. www.influenceyourreality.com
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