4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2011 Edition

Well folks, that’s about all for now. If I don’t get this out now it might sit her for a month or two. Take from it what you want and any feedback would be appreciated. I’m not sure if we will print off hard copies but pass the word around if someone wants a hard copy just give me a call. I know there are still quite a few who are not hooked up to emails or just prefer printed matter. One final word on the floods, fires, cyclones, locust plaques and the like, if you know of any of our members who have been hit hard by any of the above, please let me know and we (that’s the collective we) might be able to help in some small way. Remember the main aim of newsletters such as this is to keep in touch. My thanks to Gabby Hayes who looks after the funds. We have a good reserve in the bank now and have the ability to cope with an emergency. We are always happy to hear your thoughts on what we could spend some of our funds on. One thought was for a specific gift to 4 Field Regiment that would remain with the Regiment or be of use to the diggers of the Regiment. Nothing specific has been mentioned but the concept is sound in my book. Best wishes to one and all, Peter Bruce E: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au T: 02 6559 4413 M: 0419 349 317