4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2011 Edition

years on. I wonder nearly every day and night whether the young woman I saw lying on the track after the ambush would have married and had children, whether she would be grandmother by now . What about these young Special Force guys you have charged, don't you think they will be thinking of the young kids they killed that night for the rest of their lives. Don't you think that they have enough to worry about besides this publicity stunt shit you are bringing on them. I AM WILLING TO BE CHARGED for my actions in the patrol report Ms Lyn McDade so come after me. And while you are at it what about the whole Bomber command inWW2? ********************************************************************************** From David Anderson : There is a new and beautifully compiled book out now on the conflict in South Vietnam. For those that are interested you can view the book at: http://www.barrallierbooks.com/site/vietnamoncanvasbook 106 Bty Second Tour Reunion From Alan Johnston: [alansidney@optusnet.com.au ] . Gday all, The attached list (contact Alan for the list) is the latest update of numbers for the reunion in Adelaide on Anzac Day 2011. If your name is not on the list or if your plans may have changed please contact me so that I can pass the information onto Kerry Taheny. Hopefully we can add to the yes list. Cheers, Johno From Jed Taheny . Hello Alan, would you forward this to all please. Currently Hutch, Fritch, Humey, Hick and Mick Utting have booked. Mel said she may not be able to hold much longer. It would help us with planning if we could be advised of dates. As originally planned, a get together on evening of 24th, lunch after the march on Anzac day and another Dinner on evening of 27th for those still around. Oakbank races are on Saturday 23rd and we can crank up whatever people want, a winery trip has been suggested for either 26th or 27th. A public golf course is across the road from the Park. This place has been the base for 17 Const and 8RAR reunions that I know of with very favourable reports with a lot of the chin wagging happening at the Gazebo/BBQ point for happy hour in the evening after people have done their own thing during the day. In fact since the 17 Construction one all their subsequent ones have been based in a similar park which offers all types of accom. Appreciate that others may have different accom arrangements in mind. We are happy to organise what people would like but don't want the hassle of collecting money. All your comments would be appreciated. Anyone know where the Turtle Banner we had on the houseboats at Renmark went? Cheers Jed. 08-8356 8391 if anyone wants to have a yarn about it. And also look at Johnno's site, Sgt Brett Heenan of the re-raised 106 is looking for info on history and CO's, BSM's etc. (Passed on from Johno) G'Day All, Back 80s/90s when we were trying to raise the money to build our National Vietnam Memorial in Canberra, the band 1927 offered us a % of the sales of their new song Compulsory Hero, I was the network director at the time and was asked if they could use my photo album and DOG TAGS.The 1st photo you see in the clip when the actor opens the album is yours truly. OHHHHHHHH where has that young bloke gone? Last photo is Paul (Dogs) Foley, We were both DELTA company 4 RAR/NZ Vietnam 71. With the help of 1927 and the many many 1000s of people like them, we built the memorial and dedicated it in 1992. Have a look at the clip............Regards Bob http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcUi8xl50NY