4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - May 2013 Edition
6 From Mike Berriman (April 2012) Hello Peter, April 24th, a few of us attended the funeral service for Peter Oakes held at his local church at Noraville on the NSW central coast. Peter was a popular and well respected member of his church and this showed in the number of morners present. Three members of 106 Bty attended with another dozen or so made up of HQ Bty and local Vietnam Veterans. Peter’s twin brother Paul (identical) greeted us warmly and made us all very welcome. A sad day for those who knew Peter, for he was what I would say a real gentlemen soldier, Peter was a giver in a life where many of us are takers. Many of 106 ( 1970) are currently in Cooktown for an ANZAC day reunion. Having said that the presence of Peters army mates in attendance and forming a guard of honour afterwards was truely appreciated by his family and friends. Regards to all, Mike Berriman From Ian Schulz (back in Jan 2012) Peter, Just a short note to advise that Bob Thorne passed away on 2nd January. Many guys at 4th Field would remember Bob, he was Major Quinn’s driver. He had a rough battle with cancer the past 12 months. I have always kept in touch with Bob over the years as he virtually lived down the road, me in Toowoomba and he in Brisbane. We shared tent 8 with Geoff Dunkley and Ray Barber. The battery was represented at his memorial service by Mick Long and Brian Swift and also by a member of the local RSL. Regards. Ian Schulz From Ian Prewett and partner Tracey HI All, We are planning to leave Emerald at the end of May (after we get back from our 3 week golfing trip to China). If you would like to follow our travels, please check us out at: http://travelpod.com/members/ian-tracey The China Trip itinerary is on there too.
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