4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - November 2013 Edition
11 11 Well folks, that’s about it for now. I really would like more email addresses for our guys. It really is a time and money issue getting printed copy out to everyone. Please pass this on to any members you may know with apologies if they receive it more than once. Our best wishes to anyone on the sick list and our hope for a speedy recovery from any ailments. Our youngest member of the Regiment, Graeme Leonard must be hitting 63 next birthday so that put’s the average up a bit on that. Stay safe and look after yourselves and your family and of course your mates. Sincere thanks for those who contributed especially Swifty and Mick Long for the details and their attendance at Vic Hardies funeral. I couldn’t make it because of a commitment to Legacy National Conference in Brisbane. Vic was a good mate of mine. He was the one who delivered the telegram to me in Nui Dat advising of the birth of my daughter Belinda. I was to say the least a little anxious at the time as she was three weeks late and I had received no word from home in that time. I will also tell you all about the time Vic and I were saved by “Jesus” – but we’ll leave that for another time. Thanks to Gabby for keeping an eye on the books. As I said the only transaction was a payment for flowers for Moira Donkin. We have stopped collecting fees for now but if anyone wants to make a donation, feel free. We will maintain the cash for now as who knows, we may need a bit for someone in need in the future. Always looking for items to put in our newsletter so don’t be shy. Don’t forget the big Gunner Dinner in Caloundra either. You can check out who has registered on the web site. Graham and Kym have put a lot of work into this and it would really make national if not international headlines if they can pull it off. Don’t forget to let me know what’s happening for ANZAC Day next year and would be great for some info on any get-togethers. Finally, all the very best for the Festive Season to you and your families. Susie and I are off to Mexico next week for a couple of weeks. We will have a few days in Hawaii on the way home and will be home for Christmas. Why Mexico you may ask? Well, Susie’s son lives in Mexico City so we are going to visit – why else? We will catch up with some US friends in Kauai on the way home. By the way, the others in the photo are Ray McGrath (RIP) Don Donkin, John Allen and Greg Earl (RIP). Steve Glover took the photo. Has anyone ever heard from John Allen? Cheers everyone, Pete
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