4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2014 Edition
Bench press – 75.5 kgs; Squat – 130 kgs, and Dead lift – 160 kgs. Tom tells me he feels great about his achievements as a National Champion at the age of 74. Well done Tom. From Kim McGrath , President Australian Artillery Association. Subject: CONFIRMATION - THE AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION 2014 NATIONAL GUNNER DINNER - WILL PROCEED It is with pleasure that I advise you the dinner will proceed as planned. As previously stated, the event will be held on Saturday 23rd August 2014 at The Event Centre located at 20 Minchinton Street, Caloundra QLD 4551. In brief the event will consist of the following: a. 3 hour dedicated military concert by the Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra commencing at 1:30pm for 2:00pm to 5:00pm; b. The Australian Artillery Association 2014 National Gunner Dinner which consists of a 3 course dinner inclusive of a 3 hour drinks package followed by Port. Included in the dinner will be a quartet or quintet providing light background dinner music. The dinner will commence at 6:30pm for 7:00 pm and will conclude at 12:00 midnight. Full details of the dinner inclusive of the above information can be found on our website at URL: www.australianartilleryassociation.com then follow the link to the webpage dedicated to the dinner. To date we have a total of 320 registered attendees from all states and territories of Australia in addition to attendees registering from Scotland, Thailand, New Zealand and the USA. We are hopeful of achieving between 400 & 500 in attendance on the day. Once again we cordially extend an invitation to all members of your Association. Also in attendance will be Lieutenant General Ash Power, AO, CSC the current Chief of Joint Operations and Major General Tim Ford AO (Retd) Chairman Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company. Should you have any questions in relation to the Australian Artillery Association’s 2014 National Gunner Dinner please do not hesitate to contact me via return email or on mobile: 0417 422 427 It would be greatly appreciated if you would disseminate this information to your membership. Yours sincerely, Kim I. McGrath From Lance Grimstone via email on 2 March. Through family connections, a new book by Colin Campbell was recently brought to my attention by the author's sister, Bridget. In 1967, the western perimeter of Nui Dat was in need of artillery coverage. At the time, the US Army was replacing its fleet of M108 mobile howitzers equipped with a 105mm gun with the bigger M109s sporting 155mm guns. Hence, the 2/35th Artillery offered to loan to the ATF a squadron of the outgoing M108s for a period. Colin commanded the makeshift outfit (A Sqn 3 Cav) formed to operate these loaned howitzers. This unit was drawn from members of the cavalry, artillery and infantry serving at the Dat, and a list of names from the book is included in the attached. Of course, during our tour in 1970/71, a battery of the M109s from 2/35 US Artillery with 155mm guns was generally on station on that western perimeter with the call-sign 'Husky Chuck'. From time to time, we even had the 'eight inchers' (M110s) located closer to Luscombe airstrip designed to shake the dust loose from your ears..!!
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