4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2014 Edition
Maybe it's just me, but I was unaware of the fact that some of our predecessors in 4 Fd Regt back in 1967 were seconded to A Cav. For what it's worth, I thought I give you a heads-up about Colin's book. Cheers, Lance From Ian Johnson: For those of us who served in Vietnam ! Uc Dai Lui Cheap Charlie sung in Tommy's Sports Bar in Vung Tau on ANZAC Day 2013: CLICK BELOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CjH2dMpl0M&feature=youtu.be Cheap Charlie ( ANZAC Day 2013 Tommys Sports Bar Vung Tau Viet Nam )< http://www.facebook.com/l/8AQHk7gqIAQHi1oSZXE4dGlOgBip_1fIg0yL- JC6p4n0kpg/ www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CjH2dMpl0M&feature=youtu.be> From Alan Johnston G’day All First time on my site for a very long time. Hopefully the couple of health issues that sat me on my backside are a thing of the past. Whether or not you intend to head to Tassie for the reunion I would appreciate confirmation that you received this email. Your response will help me rebuild my register of email addresses for those who served with 106 Battery 1970-71. My bouts with cancer and a major heart attack bought home to me just how much I still have to do before we have a comprehensive photographic record of our tour. I think we owe it to our kids and great grand kids to leave them our record of a conflict that at the time caused great division within the community. PLEASE have another look at my site ( 106secondtour ) If you have any photos etc to add to the site please contact me. (Alan can be contacted at alansidney@optusnet.com.au Another link from Ian Johnson: Worth watching. Any man or woman who pulls on a uniform in defence of this country will always be my hero. A very poignant video that brought a huge lump to my throat. We have a heap to be thankful for in Australia, especially to those personnel who went forward on active service. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE – AUSSIES EVERYWHERE WILL FOREVER BE IN DEBT TO YOU (whether they realise it or not !!). Press Ctrl & click to follow link http://moments.org/thank-you-for-your-service/ From Jed Taheny (kerrybren@adam.com.au) Dear All, Denis has asked me to forward this to all in my address book. Easier said than done. Son Joseph changed our computer so all your addresses were archived somewhere else. May as well have used carbon paper!!!! I don't know if your addresses are up to date so would appreciate it if you would confirm it otherwise I will assume I have the wrong one. Bob "Blue" Fergusson, Rob Van Wageningen and myself are flying down together, Mark and Inge Hueppauff are driving. Please let Punta know one way or the other and pass this on to anyone you have contact with. Al Johnson is currently in Renmark at Mark's so I will be seeing him next week to take him to the airport. I will forward this to whoever else I can so you may get it twice. I reckon the old 25 set was a lot easier!!! Hope you are all well. Cheers Jed.
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