4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2014 Edition

4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 24 – MARCH 2014 Correspondence to: Peter Bruce, 7 River Oaks Drive, Kendall NSW 2439 Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Tele: 02 6559 4413 Mobile: 0419 349 317 Hi all, Happy New Year to everyone. It was great to see so many Christmas messages doing the rounds. Well done to those who contributed and for those who didn’t, it doesn’t matter as we were all thinking of you anyway. ANZAC Day will soon be with us again and it would be nice to have an idea of who is doing what this year. Brisbane is gaining popularity again and Lance Grimstone has booked a venue for lunch after the city march. If you are marching and would like to join Lance and some of the Brisbane locals, please let Lance know by emailing him at lance@grimstone.com.au Numbers are limited for lunch and Lance will have to confirm closer to the date, so please let him know if you wish to attend the lunch. From lance Grimstone Peter, Mate, you could be right... amongst the round of Xmas emails there could be a deal of interest in gathering in Brisvegas for ANZAC Day in 2014. Now if the ever-reliable Swifty and his capable lads are there with the 4Fd Banner, I'm sure he'll draw a crowd of us HQ Bty types to march behind it... Perhaps even an officer or two to march ahead of it... wouldn't that be grand..!! So if you reckon it's the go, flick me an email and I'll book the Ship Inn for lunch afterwards (same place as last time)... Cheers, Lance David Anderson responded to Lance Grimstone. Hi Lance, Hope you and Ollie are both fit and well. ANZAC Day in Brisbane sounds a great idea! I was in touch with Mo Armstrong over Christmas and he indicated that he and Ada could possibly be over this year as Ada has family around the Gold Coast. If the WA mob could be encouraged to come across that would be a bonus. As some of you were across in WA a few years back, perhaps they could be reminded that it’s their turn to travel east……. Over to you and your expert negotiating skills! All the best to you both for 2014. David Anderson Rosebank Farm, NSW