4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2014 Edition

2 Saturday afternoon we were treated to a musical extravaganza by the Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra at the Event Centre. It was a wonderful hour or so of military style music and our own version of the 1812 Overture. You had to be there to experience it. Dinner was also at the Event Centre that evening and the Organisers, namely Graham Hampton and Kim McGrath did an excellent job in setting the stage for the event. For those interested there are photos of the weekend at http://ubique.smugmug.com/2014-National-Gunner-Dinner-Ph My only regret from the whole weekend was there was not enough time to spend with each individual and I am sure there were some I didn’t even get to say g’day to. However it was a memorable weekend and I think future events may be planned along similar lines. If you missed this one, I would really recommend your attendance at the next whenever and wherever it may be. On the way up to Caloundra I called in to see Terry Curley who is in the Masonic Lodge in Sandgate. He has certainly had his share of medical problems and is under care with his emphysema. That withstanding, he still enjoys a few cans of 4X each day and his wife and family take him out to lunch most Sundays. I had not seen Terry since we returned from Singapore so it was quite a shock to the system. He is in good spirits and is happy to take calls from anyone. His number is 07 3869 6000. Brian Swift had been in to see Terry the week before and was able to spend some quality time with him telling tall tales and true to each other. Des Spurr was the one who actually bought TCs attention to me in the first place. Des was chasing up a white lanyard to put on his poly shirt he has kept (don’t tell Tommy Beynon!). PJ Smith was able to come to the party and arranged for a work colleague, Jeff Jackson, to get one for him and PJ posted it to Spurry. Des is not without his medical issues either but I’ll let him tell his own story. I had a request recently from someone who had a digger ex Afghanistan who wanted to get in touch with our Neville Clark, MC. Apparently Neville was a mentor to this digger but he had lost contact with him. PJ Smith was able to help out and we put the two in touch. I was also able to put Graeme Leonard in touch with Don Donkin recently. Graeme’s response follows: Many thanks to you. I caught up with WO1 Don Donkin tonight, boy he sounds the same as he did back in 1970. We had a great chat and reminisce. I hope to see you all soon. I feel like I have missed out on so many mates/friends I hope you all have a great time at Caloundra, sorry I can’t be there. Regards, Gonzo. Don was also at the dinner in Caloundra and I was able to catch up with him for a few minutes. His son Chris who also served in the RAA with me at one stage drove him up from Sydney for the dinner. It was great to see Don again. He has been a great mentor and role model for me over the years. The RAA Regimental Conference 2014 will be held from 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2014. Supporting Administrative Instructions will be released shortly which will detail coordination, administration and support to the conference. Indicative schedule for the conference as follows:  31 Oct (Fri) 1030-1430h - RAA Regt Executive Meeting  31 Oct (Fri) 1430-1600h - RAA Officers being farewelled "Last Day on the Gun Park" / capability display by School of Artillery  31 Oct (Fri) 1600h - Bridges Barracks Sergeant's Mess Happy Hour  31 Oct (Fri) from 1815h - RAA Officer Farewells  1 Nov (Sat) 0845-1600h - RAA Regimental Conference Day 1  1 Nov (Sat) from 1700h - RAA WO / SNCO Farewells  2 Nov (Sun) 0900-1400h - Regimental Conference Day 2 The RAA Conference aims to discuss/achieve the following:  HMSP-A current RAA modernisation thoughts and concepts  Project updates for L17, L19, L136, JP129  Training updates  Trades and personnel updates  Doctrine updates  RAA Gunner's fund update