4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2014 Edition
4 I do think of you guys (and many others) often. Anyway enjoy your new abode, will be in touch (In another ten years I hear you say). Many regard Jack and Rona Lunney. Initial Correspondence on the Proposed ANZAC Day 2016 Old Boys Reunion. From Brian Swift to PJ Smith back in April. PJ, (Smith) We had a great day in Brizvegas yesterday with a good turnout. I will try to list attendees: Richard and Val bush, David and Anne Anderson, Mick and Pat long, Geoff and Chris Dunkley, Eric and Robyn Archinal, Lance and Ollie Grimstone, Ian a Jo Schulz, Geoff Shields, Dave and Sandra Larter, Brian and Sandi swift, Robert Swift, Juan, Dave's stepson. Throughout the day we toasted various old boys and you got more than one mention and expressions of wishes that you were there. Then I came up with the suggestion that if you don't come to us, we will go to you. So, the plan is for 2016 for us all to come to Melbourne for Dawn Service, march, lunch, perhaps attend AFL game in some kind of catered outdoors box or semi private section. That's where you become a vital part of this plan. Can we please call on your knowledge, connections, generosity, skills and good nature to identify the possibilities, availability, costs etc for the last part of our plan. Perhaps our group, or parts of it could become part of your regular featured veterans for the day. Everyone got very keen for this plan to advance and you were unanimously elected to see if you could make it happen. Obviously I would be prepared to help co-ordinate, motivate and communicate with potential attendees. Love to hear your thoughts on this idea Peter. Best regards, Swifty Swifty then visited PJ in Melbourne and they discussed the pros and cons of a reunion in 2016. From PJ Smith to me and Swifty. PJ (Bruce) and Brian, I think it’s fair to say that the 3 of us are now, whether we like it or not, the planning committee for the 4Fd Regt SVN Old Boys Reunion in Melbourne in 2016. All those in favour say aye, against say nay, I think the ayes have it. Carried! Following Swifty’s visit to Melbourne and our chat about a 2016 plan, I offer the following. We develop a very rough outline plan. (first draft attached) I convert the attached outline draft (our eyes only at this stage) into something resembling a survey document to gauge level of interest. We communicate with everyone on PJ’s mailing list to canvass their level of interest or otherwise. No commitment needed from the masses, just an expression of their level of interest in attending and, assuming they do intend to participate, their likely length of stay and the sort of things they might be interested in doing (apart from more formal and commemorative ANZAC Day activities). We give people a few months to respond, harvest their replies and modify the outline plan accordingly into a more established plan for 2016. I seek input on costs, times, minimum numbers, etc for a range of selected tours/activities once outline preferences are known. I compile a limited range of accommodation options and indicative costs (people free to book their own of course). We continue to put our thinking caps on to come up with interesting activities or components of activities for the occasion (I have one fermenting in the back of my mind and that is for a very good guest speaker to address us at one of the dinners/lunches). I also have one or two thoughts about ANZAC Day and the AFL match. What do you think so far? Cheers, PJ So, please complete the attached Expression of Interest form and get it back to me by the end of November this year or at least prior to Christmas. This will give us an indication of how far to go with any planning. If you change your mind either way, just drop me a line.
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