4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2014 Edition

5 Graham Floyd, President of 12 Field Regiment Association sent this to me back in May. "A group of Vietnam veterans in the early 1980s campaigned to have their exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam War recognised as potentially harmful,'' he said. ''History has proved them right.'' Australian troops fighting in Vietnam were exposed to a cocktail of chemicals, including herbicides, especially the popularly known Agent Orange used to defoliate jungle, which was seen as providing tactical advantages for their enemy. Pesticides, including highly toxic dieldrin, were also apparently misused in aerial spraying of Australian bases. Veterans in Australia and the US claim they have suffered increased rates of throat cancer, acute and chronic leukaemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, soft tissue sarcoma and liver cancer, as well as nerve, digestive, skin and respiratory disorders. In 1994, the war memorial published its official history, Medical Aspects of Australia's Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts, 1950-72, with the Australian National University's now emeritus professor in history, Barry Smith, writing the chapters in this book on the Agent Orange and related controversies. The book supported the 1985 "not guilty" ruling of Justice Phillip Evatt's royal commission into the use of chemical agents in Vietnam, finding that under the normal civil standard of proof no link existed between exposure to Agent Orange and health effects. Authoritative scientific acceptance of a link between exposure to Agent Orange and ill-health effects, including various cancers, was established by the US National Academy of Sciences in 1993, the year before the book was published. The memorial's decision last month comes after many representations by the veterans federation expressing dissatisfaction with the account in the official history. McCombe says: "We have been trying for 20 years to have the history rewritten." Apart from the development of the scientific evidence since the book was published, more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan have deepened understanding of and sympathy for the largely unanticipated medical and health issues arising from combat service. Dr Nelson's letter said the new volume would "of course be informed with the knowledge gained about this important and complex issue over the last twenty years". A memorial spokesman declined further comment, promising further details at a later date. Official war memorial histories have previously been successfully challenged. Lord Novar, Australia's governor- general during World War I, later demanded and obtained changes to one of the published volumes because he did not like what it said of him. This time the challenge has come from the "trenches". Peter Edwards, editor of the original war memorial historical series, although unaware of the memorial's decision, welcomed the move. "Many important scientific, legal and political inquiries have reported their findings in the 20 years since the [original] publication," he said. "Matters raised by the president of the VVFA (veterans federation) should be assessed as part of a comprehensive study by an independent historian with access to all the evidence now available." Veterans are angry the official history did not mention that the royal commission had accepted that Agent Orange had affected veterans' health under Australia's repatriation law, a position that effectively gave the benefit of the doubt to veterans. Graham Walker, an infantry company commander in Vietnam, said : "Veterans feel the Smith history disparaged them as well as rejecting or omitting their original main argument and which the royal commission did accept: that under repatriation law standard of proof, as opposed to that normal civil law, the link between exposure to these chemicals and health defects was established." Professor Smith was unavailable when asked for a comment on the memorial's decision. The main author of the volume, Brendan O'Keefe, greeted the memorial's decision as "an opportunity for a broader account of the post-war health, both physical and psychological, of veterans". DISCLOSURE: Gregory Pemberton worked on another part of the official history not related to the medical volume in the 1980s. He worked on this separate volume before work on the Agent Orange chapters started.