4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2014 Edition
6 Mike Berryman sent me this back in May. Thought you all may be interested in this new documentary that is supposed to air in 2015. This is a trailer from a documentary that is supposed to air next year--40 years after the fall of Saigon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-CTKFzWjjw&sns=em "Welcome Home" is a new series being produced by Sleeping Dog Productions, Inc. It tells the story of Viet Nam Veterans, from all branches of the service. It is scheduled for release in 2015, the 40th anniversary year of the end of the War. It is a thank you and a welcome home that is long, long, overdue. From Gabby Hayes with the latest bank statement in April. Moving is hard to get out of the system isn't it I like your idea of moving to something smaller - easier to look after. When you get settled let me know the details. Went into town for ANZAC day - not bad. Got home at half past dark after sucking the amber article with Harry Pregnall and Jimmy King. The banner was there and about 15 of us marched behind it. Didn't know any of them. Swifty wasn't there????? A good day. All the best in the move. Gabby From Swifty back in January (my apologies for missing it last time big fella) Peter, I just spent five hours having a great yarn and catch-up with Steve Glover and Greg Young (both regimental police in Vietnam.) Steve was in Brisbane for a shooting meet and greg has recently returned to Australia after living and working in the Solomon Islands for about 30 years. Mick Long joined us for the afternoon. I am pleased to report that all three are in good health and high spirits, enjoying retirement like me and many others. Greg's appearance is very much like it was back then, while Steve looks like he swallowed Tasmania. He is very well and the happiest I've seen him in forty years. Still shooting like a young man too. All three (plus me) want to pass on our best wishes to all our mates and look forward to seeing some of you now and then. Spending good time with these ghosts of the past is a solid reminder of how important our old mates are and how we all should do our best to remain in touch with as many as possible. We re-fought the war, destroyed a few reputations, told a few lies, solved the problems of the world and laid out plans for the future of humanity -- so all- in-all a typical old soldiers' reunion. Signing off now with great affection to you all – Swifty Another one from Swifty I missed last Edition. Hi All, Great day yesterday with the arrival of the latest old boys newsletter from Peter Bruce. I'm sure everyone will agree that it was another great job of keeping us all informed and connected. I forwarded a copy on to Kevin and Judy Nash on Bribie Island. Now, to the surprise phone call. I just got off the phone with Ian Prewett who, with wife Tracey and brother Peter, are on the long road around Oz. They are currently in Anglesea,Vic, for a few days and as yet undecided which direction to go. (Ed now back in Mossman FNQ) They have recently been in WA and met up with Mo, Algie, Batesy, Johnno and a few others. If their next move is north they plan to catch up with Gary and Dawn Jones, Peter and Susie Bruce (yep, and we got a couple of games of golf in) and Syd and Sue Farrow. Then they will travel north and drop in to see Sandi and me. Isn't it great how the bond between most of us is still strong and we get the rare opportunity to see one another? Ian sounds great and says he is well and enjoying life. He reports that Peter (ex RSM of the ARMY) is also well. If I hear any more from Ian I will let you all know and I ask that you do the same. For now, farewell to all, love Swifty
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