4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2014 Edition
7 Post Script: Prew oversaw a golf tour to China this year and Prew’s partner Tracy is doing very well at golf of late. They are planning a golfing holiday to Vietnam later this year but now living up at near Mosman in FNQ. 18 Pounder Project The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company (RAAHC) has embarked on an ambitious task that will involve the restoration of an 18 Pounder gun, its ammunition limber, restored inert ammunition rounds collected from World War 1 battlefields, the acquisition of period harness and saddles, the acquisition of horses, the recruitment of a gun detachments outfitted in period uniforms and the training of horses and personnel to pull the gun and limber. The gun and limber restoration is being carried out by Jim Freckllington. Jim built the Australian State Coach which was presented to Her Majesty, our Captain General, on the occasion of the Australian Bicentennial in 1988. (Susie and I called in at North Head recently and caught up with Jim and he showed us over the gun and limber. It certainly is a work of love and the intricate historical bits that Jim incorporates into the project are really quite amazing.) The 18 Pounder Project is of National Significance and will provide a living memorial to all those that fought in the “Artillery War” by deploying the gun and team for commemoration events from 2015 to 2018 commencing with the national ANZAC Ceremony in Canberra in 2015. Your tax deductable donation can be made by cheque to: RAAHC, PO Box 171, Cremorne Junction, NSW 2019 Or Electronic Funds Transfer to : Account Name: RAAHC Gift Account BSB: 032 096 Account Number: 179231 Include description: ‘(Surname – Initials) Donation To allow a tax receipt to be issued please provide address details either by post to RAAHC PO Box as above or email 18pounder@artilleryhistory.org Limericks I have recently read a book about limericks by Rubert Hart-Davis (have to be a pom) entitled ‘The Lure of The Limerick’. This had me thinking of all the limericks I have heard over the years – many of them from PJ Smith. I therefore propose a limerick competition. Your limerick must be an original – ie not previously published except perhaps in the back of an Artillery Sig Log Book – and should be about one of our group or something within our old boys association or gunner related. I will be the judge and announce the winner next edition. No limit to the number of entries. I thought I would start the ball rolling with: In Melbourne there lives one –‘PJ’ Whose legend lives on may I say. A teller of tales and singer of wails, He maintains his repertoire till this day. Possible Donation from our Funds As I mentioned earlier we have a few bob in our kitty and we are always looking for something to expend some of our funds on. I propose we donate $500.00 to the 18 Pounder Project. It has been seconded by PJ Smith. I welcome any discussion and unless I hear of violent objections, may I suggest I forward the donation one month after publication of this newsletter, unless I receive substantial (or any for that matter) objections. All those in favour?
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