4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2015 Edition

3 ANZAC Day 2015 There is a lot happening all over Australia of course. If you are looking for somewhere to go, why not consider coming to Laurieton. Syd Farrow sent out the following which many of you may have already received: Members & families of both 101 Fd. Bty Malaya and 4th Field Regt Old Boys Assoc. have attended ANZAC Day celebrations at Laurieton in past years and I would like you to extend my committees invitation in your next newsletter to join us in commemorating ANZAC Day 2015. Accommodation in two motels, Woongarra North Haven 02 6559 9088 and Haven Waters North Haven 02 6559 9303, around 30 rooms ranging from doubles to two that sleeps five, total prices for three nights (Friday to Sunday) are from $255 to $400. The NSW school holidays finish on Monday 27th April. I would suggest that bookings be made early if possible or contact me at 02 65596723 for any assistance. A broad programme will be Fri 24th meet and greet at my place or the LUSC club, Sat 25th dawn service 0530 in the memorial park followed by breakfast (no charge) in the Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC) March commences (approx 700m) 1030 hrs outside LUSC. Transport is available for non marchers. Ex Service members will march directly behind Laurieton Sub-Branch and banners may be carried. The reviewing officer to take the salute will be Brigadier Bill Silverstone RAA (Rtd) Lunch and refreshments will be served in the Tarcoola room of the LUSC at a cost of $10 per head for each ex service member and partner/carer/friend. A bistro is available for non service members at discounted rates. Laurieton is around 40km south of Port Macquarie airport, 15km east of Kendall railway station or 4 hours drive from Sydney and 7 hours drive from Brisbane. Thank you for your assistance and all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Best regards, Syd. 106 Battery (First tour SVN) regularly meet in Melbourne for ANZAC Day and this year is no exception. For more information contact Ben Burrow email: creswickben20@gmail.com or mobile, 0429 880 027. The RAA (Victoria) Annual Gunner Luncheon is on Wednesday the 4 th of March 2015 at the RACV Club in Burke Street Melbourne. Cost is $70.00 per person and reservations should be made by the 25 th of February. Contact Reg Morrell on 03 9562 9552 or mobile 0425 837 958. 4 th Regiment RAA 55 th Birthday Celebration 1 st and 2 nd May 2015. The Regiment will celebrate its 55 th Birthday this year and various activities have been organised by the Regiment. The open day would certainly be of interest to many, given the new guns the Regiment now employs. I think they have finally dispensed with the old Tannoy system as well. Details provided by the Regiment include: Friday 1 May:  1330 – Gun Race  1500 – Sub Unit BBQ/Drinks  1630 – Officers/Senior NCOs/Junior NCO & Ors Mess. Saturday 2 May:  1200 - Unit Open Day.  1700 – Mounted Parade.  1830 – Unit BBQ/Celebrations. POC is Major Scott Calvert, XO (previously called 2IC) for the Regiment. Email: scott.calvert@defence.gov.au 107 Battery and some members of 106 Battery are holding gatherings during