4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2015 Edition

1 4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 26 – FEBRUARY 2015 Correspondence to: Peter Bruce, PO Box 293, Lake Cathie, NSW 2445 Email: pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Tele: 02 6585 7342 Mobile: 0419 349 317 Hi everyone, This is only a fairly brief newsletter for your consideration this time around with a couple of key events to report on. In time line sequence they are:  ANZAC Day 2015,  RAA Gunner Luncheon in Melbourne,  4 th Regiment Birthday in Townsville May 2015, and  ANZAC Day in Melbourne in 2016. First up, a bit of correspondence received. A lot was to do with the Melbourne reunion and my thanks to all those who responded. More details later. I had an email from Don Quinn who is now OBE (over bloody eighty!) He reports he is in good health and recovering well from a hip replacement a couple of months back. Don sends his best wishes but regrets he will be unable to make it to Melbourne. He sends his regards to all the old and bolds and misses the good old days. Gabby Hayes sent me the balances of our accounts recently. Our working account is down to $1468.17 and our Term Deposit stands at $5455.84. Our donation to the 18 Pounder Project has been received by the RAAHC and appears on their web site www.artilleryhistory.org I am still chasing up a receipt for Gabby to keep his books up to date. PJ Smith email from late last year: Hope this email finds you all in good shape. I had a surprise catch up with Darryl Cooper last week. He was visiting his daughter in Melb and took the time to drop into ANZAC House to say hello. Luckily, I was in and we went and had a coffee and chatted for about an hour. So good to see him again after such a long time. I reckon the last time I saw him was the Sydney Welcome Home gathering. I didn’t recognise him at first glance but as soon as he opened his mouth that deep Coops voice was instantly recognisable. From Johno : Hi Guys, Schultzy s ent me this. This is the tank (see photo below) that I used to swap for the ambulance that everyone thought was a tall story. This is the first photo I have seen. I have been telling the story for years with everybody thinking I was bull shitting. When Alge (Sukys) didn't believe me I drove it down and stuck the both barrels into our tent with him inside. For the record I have visited James Manly (the driver) in Boston on two occasions and Carl Speckman, the gunner, twice. He lives in Lancaster Ohio. Cheers Johno. From Lt Loughlin O’Keefee . Sir, I am currently a Lieutenant at 106 Bty 4th Regiment RAA. I am trying to write a short history of 106 Bty for display in the office and I was wondering if you could provide some assitance. I would greatly appreciate any official history you could send me. Kind regards Lieutenant Loughlin O'Keeffe, 106th Battery, 4th Regiment Royal Australian Artillery Chau Pha Lines, Lavarack Barracks Townsville, QLD 4813. mob: 0423 070 276. If anyone has any stories of information to pass on to Loughlin, I am sure he would love to hear from you.