4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - April 2016 Edition

4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 30 – APRIL 2016 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, PO Box 293, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. G’day everyone Just a quick few lines this month before I head off to Melbourne on the 19 th . We are driving down to Melbourne and will have a few days visiting old haunts on the way down. Looking forward to catching up with all attending. It should be a great couple of days. Just a reminder too that there is no word at this stage regarding the funeral of Squizzy Taylor who died in the bush fires in WA. If anyone has any photos or memories of Squizzy they would like to share, especially with his family, please let me know. From Barry Willoughby, Vice Pres (Ops), RAA Assoc (NSW) Inc The "Forming Up Point" for the Sydney 2016 Anzac Day March is changed for this year. As you are all aware the march will take place along Elizabeth Street and NOT George Street. The Forming Up Point is the Corner of Phillip and Bent Streets and hopefully all will be position by 9.45am. Because this is the first of the new route for the march, timings will be a little (to say the least) somewhat out of kilter, but I'm sure as good gunners we will be able to cope. The ARTILLERY Banner will be in place by 9.45am and I will be able to form you up without too much shouting. LTCOL Schon Condon, President of the RAA Assoc (NSW) Inc will be leading us to the end. When we pass the ANZAC MEMORIAL in Hyde Park the Act of Remembrance will be upheld by an Eyes Left . We will be fallen out in Liverpool Street around the corner from Museum Station. The reunion for the Associations will be held at the Rugby Club at Circular Quay as usual. Hope to see all at the Form Up Point and have a great day. UBIQUE, Barry Willoughby Special thanks to Andrew Murray who looks after our Banner in Sydney and apologies to all the Sydney boys who won’t have the 4 th Field Regiment Banner to march behind this year. Andrew tells me they get around 20 each year at the Sydney march and have been regular marchers for over 20 years now. We all appreciate the banner going to Melbourne for this one of occasion. Peter Bruce. From Graham Hampton, Australian Artillery Association Hi all. A number of announcements if I may. Firstly, the Australian Artillery Association April 2016 eNewsletter has just been released in BookFlip format. For those that have not seen the newsletter as yet in this format please use the link below to view (best viewed on a computer though): http://www.australianartilleryassociation.com/publications/enewsletter_april_2016/enewslette r_april_2016.html .