4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2016 Edition

4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 28 – FEBRUARY 2016 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, PO Box 293, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. Hello everyone, Details on the Melbourne function later but for those who have not heard, Leslie Owen (Squizzy) Taylor died in the West Australian bush fires during January. Squizzy was BQMS of106 Battery during their second tour of Vietnam in 70/71. Not much detail is available however the following link has some details of his death: https://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/wa/a/30531075/mates-fear- castle-cost-king-malcolm-squizzy-taylor-his-life/ Details of Squizzy’s funeral are yet to be announced (as at today the 17 th ). From Dave Drabble Gooday Boys, I have placed the following in The West Australian from all of us for a run tomorrow. No news at this stage of funeral, etc. Will keep you informed. Drabs TAYLOR (Leslie Owen) Tragically Squizzie is no longer with us. Our BQMS was a wonderful man, admired and respected by us all. RIP Squizz. The men of 4th Fd Regt RAA, SVN Second Tour 1970. ANZAC Day Melbourne PJ Smith has confirmed that Vietnam Veterans will lead the March in Melbourne on ANZAC Day 2016. This will have a number of impacts/effects on our group who have over the years been more used to hanging around till a time closer to midday. Official start time of the march is 0900. We are scheduled to step off at 0910. It is an estimated 20 minutes’ march to the Shrine. Allowing for another 30-60 minutes or so of watching the march, chatting, meeting family. Public transport back to and through the city towards Carlton, for example, will be problematic. Trams will be operating from the Domain Interchange, which is on St Kilda Road near Domain Road, heading South and East. Our venue, which is yet to be confirmed, is a tram ride away. Full details of the venue including public transport options will follow later. We really need to have a more accurate idea of numbers attending, especially for ANZAC Day itself.