4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - March 2016 Edition

From Ian Johnson Hi Guys. These are some of the most amazing photos of Australian Troops in Vietnam especially the Artillery. You never know you might see yourself or even someone you know. The last picture in Section 1 is a photo of Merv Bignell helping the Americans. Make sure you see all 6 Sections. The link is http://www.falfiles.com/forums/showthread.php?t=396299 C heers, Johno Graeme Leonard Remember the photo of Graeme Leonard in last month’s edition? Well here is the follow up photo as requested. This is Graeme when he got a hole in one at the Townsville Golf Club late last year. John Ronald Jackson I have also received a request regarding John Jackson. He served in SVN from 4 Feb 69 to 8 Sept 69 and then again with 4 Field Regiment from 7 May 1970 to 5 May 1971. If anyone knows of him could you let me know and I will pass it on. I am not sure which battery he served with. That’s all for the March edition. No one has sent me any details of other ANZAC Day activities but I’m sure most of you will get involved somewhere. Don’t forget, any questions re the Melbourne gathering, just send me an email or give me a call on the mobile. Best wishes Peter Bruce 28 March 2016