4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - November 2016 Edition
From Brian Swift via email 17 April 2016 Dear Peter and fellow Old Boys, just a few lines to report on a recent small gathering in Brisbane to have lunch/drinks with a visiting ex-RP Nasho from Tasmania, the jolly giant lobster fisherman Steve Glover. Steve was in QLD for a national skeet shooting competition around 15, 16, 17 November so we met up for lunch at the Regatta hotel in Brisbane. Unfortunately family 聽 duties kept many away so there was Lance Grimstone, Swifty, an old 1 Field Regiment mate, ex WO1 George Mason, my youngest son and duty driver Robert and Steve. To say that Steve is well and thriving would be an understatement. He's a solid happy and jolly 67 in semi retirement and always thrilled to catch up with old mates. By the way, he won the Bronze medal at the shooting. The small but loud group had a few beers and a very expensive meal at the Regatta which Steve and Lance paid for thank you. Many names came up for character assessment and catch up, for example Johnno, Peter Bruce, Greg Young, Bernie Money, Keith Hall, Syd Farrow and many others. We also shared our combined memories of the recently departed, much loved and respected RSM Don Donkin. We raised a glass to his memory. The subject of future ANZAC Days came up and is was suggested that we float the idea of a gathering in Hobart in 2018 or 2019. Any thoughts on that idea and any support for it would be a good way to get it under way. Now that I have beaten my cancer scare and am currently in 100 percent remission, I am going to do it. For those who know George Mason he is doing ok and living quietly in Keperra. Anyway old mates, that's just a brief report on a few mates getting together. Sorry there are no photos but Glover and Swifty couldn't fit in one photo at the same time. Stay well and happy and don't forget to check on one another now and then. Love Swifty ANZAC Day 2017 A few have indicated they might come back to Laurieton for ANZAC Day services in 2017. The Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC), in conjunction with the Laurieton RSL Sub Branch hold a Dawn Service, Gun Fire Breakfast, main service and luncheon. The LUSC and the Sub Branch are renowned for making welcome veterans and their families. If anyone is interested they can contact me or Syd Farrow. Dawn Service starts at 5.30 and main march at 10.00am. Lunch will cost you $10.00 and families $15.00. They do need numbers in advance so let us know if you are attending. It would be nice to know what others are doing for ANZAC Day as well. If you have something happening in your neck of the woods, drop me a line and let me know. It might attract others to join you. From Gabby Hayes Pete. Just got the last quarterly statement - nothing out 3 cents (interest) in. We have $1119.63 in it - plus of course the term deposit. (And on 6 Oct.) Mate just got the letter re the term deposit. Has been rolled over with the $132.68 interest from the previous year. Gabby By the way if you have been thinking it’s quite on the emails of late, it could be because Johno is away overseas catching up with Donald Trump – or some other yank – and then doing a cruise around the Caribbean. He and Kaye will be home mid December.
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