4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - November 2016 Edition
4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 31 – NOVEMBER 2016 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, PO Box 293, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. Hi everyone, Apologies for the late edition. I started this newsletter in May but must have got side tracked. Never mind, I hope you find something of interest in this edition. I’m always looking for things to write about so if something is happening in your area regarding the old boys, why not drop me a line. Sad to add the following names to our list of departed comrades: Don Donkin, George Godfrey, Rick Meredith. Here is a link to an obituary for Don Donkin. http://www.artilleryhistory.org/gunners_past_and_present/obituaries/obituaries_d/donkin_don.ht ml Several of us attended his funeral including Syd Farrow, Andrew Murray, David Anderson and myself. A very fitting farewell to a wonderful man. The thoughts from many of you were passed on to Don’s family, in particular, his son Chris, at the funeral. I am getting a “can’t deliver” message for the following Email addresses. If you know of their current email address would you let me know please. Lost contact with: Bill Smith George Stevenson Colin Montford Ron Biles Brian Maurer Kevin Salter The Helmet! Sharpie brought along a helmet to the Melbourne gathering. His initial thoughts were to either sell it, pass around for donations or raffle it with proceeds going to the local ANZAC Day Appeal. Circumstances did not really allow for any of the above and I now have in my possession, one helmet of dubious origins signed by some who were in Melbourne. What to do with it now? Perhaps you could all make some sort of recommendation – apart from the obvious of course! One idea is to make it a perpetual golf trophy for our irregular reunions? We could put a plaque on it and this might encourage a few of us to get together a bit more often. Over to you all.
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