4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - May 2017 Edition
3 fishing boat's motor had failed. This event is called the 'MG 99' (one of the 99 rescued was 'An Doh' the artist) and now 300 descendants gather to applaud John for the efforts he and his wife have carried out for refugees. Kevin Nash Nashie died on the 31 st of March this year. He had been a driver with HQ Battery in SVN and later deployed to Singapore with 106 Field Battery in 1972/73. He and his old mate Terry Curley were as thick as thieves and I’m sure St Peter will have his hands full now that the two have been reunited. Kev’s funeral was attended by Brian Swift, Peter Dobbs and Mick Long. Jed Taheny Dave Drabble advises that Jed Taheny died on the 9 th of February. Jed suffered a cardiac arrest earlier and was not doing too well. Dave is in touch with Jed’s family. Blast from the past I received an email from Gus Weir in South Australia just after Anzac Day. Gus had caught up with Garry Sharp who gave him my address. I have not seen Gus since we came home so it was great to make contact again. Welcome Gus. From Gus Weir Hello Peter, I was provided with your e-mail address yesterday by “Sharpie” at the ANZAC Day march in Adelaide. He mentioned that you arranged a re-union last year in Melbourne for 4 Field. It’s a bugger that I missed out on that as I have been looking in the Vet Affairs newspaper notice board for any news on 4 Field. Not to worry but if any more functions are being planned I would appreciate being kept in the loop. Putting names with faces is getting harder the older we get but I think we might have done a sig course together at North Head. Any way mate as I said it would be good to catch up with “old faces” so if you have any news on 4 Field and in particular HQ Battery please put me on the list. Hope you had a good day yesterday. Cheers & thanks, Angus (Gus) WEIR From Gabby Hayes Pete just got the (Jan - Apr) Bank statement. Balance hasn't changed $1119.64. No 1c interest this Quarter. Plus of course the term deposit. Gabby From Brian Swift (2 May 2017) On 1 May Johnno and I went to Frank Stones aged care home and took him out for lunch and a beer. Frank was pleased to see us because he doesn't get any visitors and has no family left. He is reasonably with it mentally although he does have periods of vague. His memory of a lot of battery members is surprising and when we reminded him of people or incidents had had some good laughs which took his mind off his situation of lonliness and boredom. It was really good to make him laugh and see him briefly happy. He got a huge laugh when we turned up. He was sitting in his wheel chair and typical Johnno made a smart comment so Frank, quick as lightning, slugged him a beauty in the guts which got Johnno by surprise. It was like winding the clock back forty years. We took him to Fitzy’s pub at Woodford and you should have seen his face when the first beer was put in front of him. He chose a huge hamburger for lunch with two more quick beers. Johnno promised him a smoke after lunch and he was even happier. Johnno took him outside to the smoking area where he got talking to some locals who made a fuss over him and wanted to talk about his army time. They bought him a couple of beers and he was really bright and
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