4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - May 2017 Edition

5 Club (LUSC) put on another great day with suitable services and social functions. We had Ray and Val Barber with their daughter Julie and grandson Brayden; Ian and Margaret Schulz; Peter and Beth Dobbs; Lance and Olli Grimstone; Mick and Pat Long; Brian and Sandi Swift; Garry and Dawn Jones with daughter Tracey and her husband Phil and grandson Quinn; Ian and Kaye Johnson; Chris and Teena Reid; Ken and Jeanette Murphy: Syd and Sue Farrow; Bill and Jan McMillan and me and Susie. Syd and Sue Farrow hosted us all on Anzac Eve and again showed what wonderful hosts they are. We had the Dawn Service followed by breakfast at the LUSC, served up by the Directors of the club. We then all gathered for the march and the service which followed. Time for a couple of photos by 25 Pounder in the park and then back to LUSC for a wonderful lunch and the hospitality of LUSC again. We continued into the afternoon before a brief pause to catch our breath and then on to another nearby club for dinner. It was a wonderful day and for me the best thing was the company of good friends of many years standing. Some had come a long way to get to Laurieton including the Barbers from Perth who were not without a few dramas in their travels. My personal thanks to all those who made the effort to come to Laurieton and for your company and friendship. Artillery and other Memorabilia I have been in touch with WO2 Kim Loadsman who is the Troop Commander, Lavarack Troop in Townsville. Kim wears several hats, one of which is looking after the 4 th Regiment Shop. She tells me that the shop will eventually be on line but in the mean time you can phone or email her with your order. She will have to charge postage of course but the price list for various items (including ties) is below. Kim’s phone number is 07 4411 7806 and her email is kim.loadsman@defence.gov.au Kim is happy for you to ring her but do remember she is pretty busy so may not always be there to take your call. Kim also told me to let you all know that if you are visiting Townsville and wish to call on 4 th Regiment, let Kim know and she will arrange a visit for you. Coffee Table Book While I was talking to Kim, she mentioned she was trying to put together a type of coffee table book consisting of stories long, tall and mostly true from past members of the regiment. In her words, it is a way of connecting those serving today with old and not so bolds from the past. With that in mind, I thought what a great idea it would be for us to put together our own book and present it to the regiment. I’m sure everyone has at least one funny story to tell about their time in 4 th Field Regiment. PJ Smith will have lots but we can’t let him monopolise the presentation! I can think of a few of the top of my head. The time before we boarded the plane in Townsville and several members were told to get haircuts before getting on the plane. Peter Hillsher came back with a mohawk cut. BSM was not impressed. Even the white shirts in Singapore would be a good yarn. Or, the time a few of us were in a bus in the ranges north of Brisbane somewhere and going downhill fast and the bus brakes failed. Quick thinking from Peter Dobbs helped save the day – and all of us on the bus – and he later asked us all “what green and white and screams?” The answer of course is a bus load of diggers going over a cliff! Anyway, let’s see how we go. If everyone sends me just one yarn, it will be a great start. Don’t let fear hold you back! I reserve the right to edit where necessary before we send it to the regiment. Who knows, we may even get enough stories for a decent print publication.