4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - May 2017 Edition

6 Long Tan Bursary recipients announced Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Dan Tehan today (well, a few weeks ago now) congratulated the 37 students from across Australia who will receive financial support towards their post- secondary education as recipients of a Long Tan Bursary. Mr Tehan said the Long Tan Bursary honoured the service and sacrifice of Australia’s Vietnam War veterans by providing financial support for their children to undertake post-secondary education. Recipients of the Long Tan Bursary receive financial assistance of up to $12,000 over three years. “Providing the children of our Vietnam veterans with educational support is just one way we continue to honour the service and sacrifice of the men and women who served our country in Vietnam,” Mr Tehan said. “It is an honour to announce the 37 recipients of the 2017 Long Tan Bursaries and wish them the best of luck with their further study. “Every Vietnam veteran can feel a measure of pride that these young Australians have received an incredible opportunity in recognition of their service. “The sacrifices their parents made during the Vietnam War will never be forgotten or underestimated.” 4 th Regiment Shop Price List Kids Regt shirt $25.00 PT Shirts $32.00 (some of you might want two of these for your am and pm sessions) REGT Polo $35.00 REGT Undershirt $20.00 REGT Shorts $28.00 Stubby Cooler $5.00 REGT Singlets $27.00 REGT Cap $20.00 REGT Tie $20.00 107 Bty Cap $10.00 Rugby Socks $20.00 Beret $20.00 REGT Field Patch $5.00 (you could put it on your bush walking gear) REGT Steins $25.00 Contact Warrant Officer Kim Loadsman on the number or email above for your orders. I have not got a contact for the Vietnam colours scarves at this stage but we are following up to see if they are still available. Well, I did call this the May edition so am running out of days to finish this. Please pass on to anyone you may know who may not be on my email list. Remember, we don’t put out hard copies any more. Best wishes to you all and I really would appreciate some feedback on the reunion and the coffee table book. Best wishes to one and all Peter Bruce 31 May 2017