4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - May 2017 Edition

1 4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 32 – MAY 2017 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, PO Box 293, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. Hi Everyone I hope all is well in your camp. Not much in the way of correspondence in but trust you all get something from this edition. There are a few issues to ponder and I really would appreciate your feedback especially on the proposed 50 year reunion. Items include:  Vales  Report on Anzac Day in Laurieton  A proposal to hold a reunion on the 50 th anniversary of our regiments deployment to South Vietnam in March 1970.  Photos various.  Articles miscellaneous for the use of. (Old Q store speak).  4 th Regiment Memorabilia 108 Bty News (compliments John Wells, Editor of ‘The Journal with No Name’ December 2016 Edition. John’s latest edition is full of correspondence regarding the 108 Bty reunion in Townsville in 2018. If you were a ’10 dater’ and need more details, contact John Wells, PO Box 407, Guys Hill, 3087 or 0417 544 357 or email john.wells8@bigpond.com John also advises of the death of Lance Gilkinson (not Gilkisson) died on 25 November 2016. Lance served with 108 Bty in SVN from 30 April 1967 until 14 May 1968. His Funeral was held at Lake Macquarie Memorial Park at Ryhope near Toronto in NSW. A small private service was attended by Reg O’Brien, Bryan Porter ad Merv Hesketh. An RSL Service was conducted by members of the Cardiff RSL Sub Branch. Colleen rang Terry Walsh to say how much she and Lance’s son Andrew, appreciated the 108 Bty presence. She said it gave the RSL Service far more meaning. John also advises of the death of Barry (Shorty) Crossman . Shorty served with 108 Bty from 7 June 1967 until 28 May 1968. Dinger Bell passed on news of the death of Mal Sheather from Corryong. Mal served with the Battery from 27 November 1967 until 28 May 1968. All the very best to all the ‘Daters’. 106 Battery News The 106 Battery boys had a big reunion on the Gold Coast from the 10 th to the 18 th of May this year. I have not seen any news from the reunion at this stage but going by the preparations issued it would have been a grand affair. Ben Burrow also advises that 7 RAR are holding a Wreath Laying Ceremony on the 6 th of August 2017 at the Shrine in Melbourne. This day commemorates the 50 th anniversary of the battle of ‘Suoi Cha Pah’ .