4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2018 Edition
2 in Townsville will be holding various events in May 2020 and individuals or our association for that matter could get involved. At this stage nothing is planned but if you want to think about heading to Townsville in 2020, then let me know and if we get enough interest, we can organise a dinner and perhaps a few other activities. We will liaise with the Regiment and the Townsville boys closer to the date and will keep you informed of developments. ANZAC Day 2018 Laurieton RSL Sub Branch put on a very good ANZAC Day and in years past has been very popular with some of our old boys. If anyone is thinking of coming to Laurieton this year, please let me know numbers for the lunch at the Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC). If anyone needs advice on accommodation or the like, just give me a call. This year, Susie and I will be hosting the ANZAC Eve function at our new home at 33 Cathie Circuit, Lake Cathie. It’s basically BYO event and a chance to meet before the formalities of ANZAC Day. Syd Farrow this year will be co hosting ten members of the Highland Regiment Association from Scotland who will be guests of the club this year. Should be an interesting couple of days with lots of kilts about. Not sure of other venues but in Brisbane and Sydney, look for the 4 th Field Regiment Banners and join the few who march. Some emails received over time. From Bill Smith . Hi Peter. 23 years since my heart transplant and still going OK. Lots of skin cancers but otherwise can’t complain. Went to the Sydney Anzac March this year but Kerry Boyce and I were just onlookers. Had our usual Chinese meal after the march and told the same war stories we tell every year. Not sure if they are embellished or not. Hope you and your family are keeping well. All the best for Christmas and have a great New Year. Regards. Bill Smith. From Ben Lans. Hey Pete, that plaintive cry can’t go unanswered. I love the newsletter and read every bit of it, always decide I am going to contribute something for the next one…then completely forget and get caught by surprise when the next newsletter arrives! Please keep up the good work and I am sure that most people are just like me, they like to keep up with the ‘old’ boys, and truly that we are these days, and if it wasn’t for blokes like you and the indestructible Swiftie, there would be a hole in our lives! Keep up the good work mate and all the very best to you and your family for Christmas! Best wishes, Ben. From Peter and Dianne McDonald . Hi Peter, Sending Xmas cheer to you and yours, and to all the brotherhood, where ever they are. I read the newsletters and email with much interest, trying to keep up with what is going on in Arty World I am interested in the proposed reunion in 2020 all being good. So once again Merry Xmas and keep up the good work. Peter & Dianne McDonald From Darryl Cooper . Thanks Pete for your Christmas Wishes. Merry Christmas and a healthy new year to you and yours. Darryl Cooper. PS. Tried to reply to all but kept failing to send as too many recipients. Servers probably treated it as spam mail. From Spud and Jeanette Murphy . Hi Pete Merry Christmas and a very healthy and Happy 2018 old friend. Spud & Jeanette Murphy From Col and Joan Parkin. All the best for Christmas and the New Year. May you all remain as healthy as can be expected for us oldies. Col and Joan.
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