4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - February 2018 Edition
1 4 TH FIELD REGIMENT (SVN) ASSOCIATION AKA 4TH FIELD REGT OLD BOYS NEWSLETTER NO 33 – FEBRUARY 2018 All Correspondence to Peter Bruce, PO Box 293, Lake Cathie NSW 2445 or pjbruce8@bigpond.net.au Mobile is 0419 349 317. Hello everyone All the very best for the coming year to all and I hope you all stay in good health. Several issues to talk about in this newsletter so browse through and see what strikes your fancy. Sorry if I jump around a bit but will try and put things in some sort of order. Just a reminder that we don’t send out snail mail versions so if you know and ‘Old Boy’ who isn’t on line, perhaps print him off a copy and send it to him. I am always looking for more information on what you are all up to so don’t be shy, drop me a line. First up, some information about reunions coming up. 106 Battery (open to all old boys) are getting together in Mandurah, WA this coming ANZAC Day. Proposed at this stage is: 24 th April Initial get together at “The Pen “ Mandurah Foreshore. 25 th April Anzac Day March & Service followed by lunch & drinks at Oceanic Bar and Grill (Mandurah Marina Precinct). 26 th April Canal Cruise followed by a BBQ possibly at Brian Cunningham’s home or the Fishing Club. (Details to be finalised). More information from Alan Johnston (Johno) on 0427175811 or email alansidney49@outlook.com or Ron Fritchley ron48.rf@gmail.com 108 Battery are holding their 50 th RTA Spectacular “the reunion to end all reunions” in Townsville from 24 to 29 May 2018. Details include: Thursday 24 May – meet and greet at Townsville RSL. Friday 25 th – Visit to Lavarack Barracks. Saturday 26 th – Magnetic Island. Sunday 27 th – Golf day at Rowes Bay Golf Club. Monday 28 th – Main function at Townsville RSL Tuesday 29 th – Recovery BBQ at Rowes Ba Golf Club. More information from: Denis Moore denismoore@optusnet.com.au or 02 8901 4671, or Bob Poletti bobmarl@bigpond.com or 0407 924 553, or Bryan Porter bdporter_32@yahoo.com or 0419 217 160. The ‘Daters’ also have some merchandise available to purchase prior to the reunion including men’s and lady’s shirts, caps and stubby holders. You will need an order form sent to you for the merchandise. Proposed 2020 Reunion in Townsville. Initial response for any form of regimental style reunion in 2020 has not received much support at this stage. The proposed date of March does not fit real well, especially with the Regiment, but May 2020 does coincide with 4 th Regiment’s 60 th birthday. The regiment
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