4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2018 Edition

From Rick Donnelly . Happy to support. Rick Donnelly 108 Vietnam 67/68. From Ian Johnson Hi Pete I will go with whatever you say. Cheers. Johno From Col Parkin. Go for it Pete....Col Parkin From Graeme Leonard . Happy to depending where the awards are I can fly the awards with still shots and a video. Gonzo 007 From PJ Smith . I think this an excellent thing for us as the 4 Fd Alumni to be doing. I strongly support the proposal. PJ From George Allingame . Peter, I think it would be a good thing to do. Kind Regards. George Allingame From Peter McDonald . Hi Peter sounds like a good idea to me, if a further donation is needed please let me know. Peter Mc From Gabby Hayes. Pete good idea. Pity it wasn't around when we were there - not that I would have scored. The term deposit is due to mature on 3 Oct next - just for your info. The other account hasn't changed since I put the $10 in. Now $1129. Gabby From Syd Farrow. Peter, OK by me. Syd From Kevin Salter . Peter, Good afternoon mate. Always nice to get your emails. Re above I think it is a great idea. I have no suggestions other than what you have come up with. I will be happy with anything you come up with and am willing to put some money in. Regards Kev Salter. Update on the ‘Books for the Regiment’ issue. My original thoughts were to get copies of “Gunners in Borneo” by Alan Smith, but copies seen a bit hard to come by. “Vietnam – The Australian War” by Paul Ham is another option and is a very good account, an easy read and a wonderful insight on both the big picture and lots of little things. Another option considered was “Gunners Vietnam 1967/68”. (see below). I have arranged to purchase the books from John Godfrey and he will have them delivered to Paddy Durnford in Townsville. Paddy will deal with the Regiment and later advise us of recipients etc. Once we get presentation dates etc, I will let you all know. I will forward the invoice to our treasurer Gabby Hayes. From Ben Burrow. Dear 106 FIELD BATTERY VETERANS The skill and extreme effort that John put into the publication of GUNNERS VIETNAM 67/68, ably assisted by those of you that contributed your photographs and material capped 50 years of John (Godfrey) designing material assisting Vietnam Veteran organizations and Hobart Legacy to raise funds for Veteran's Welfare. Hidden from us 106 Veterans has been the mentor-ship that John has provided for young people in the printing industry and arts community in Tasmania. John has also contributed to his community through his Graphic Design skills to enhance the promotion of Tasmanian businesses. The experience that John and Peter Stainthorpe went through at Port Arthur and their quick response no doubt due to their military training and active service with 106 contributed to saving lives for which they were awarded Certificates by the Tasmanian Police Department. Your response to John's call for photographs has led to a plethora of material being gathered. John has therefore embarked on the production of the second edition of GUNNERS VIETNAM which those of you who were at Coolangatta were able to a draft. There is no timeline on a production date and if you still hold special photographs that you would think warrant an inclusion it is not too late to send them on down to John. Regards from Ben Burrow.