4 Field Regiment (SVN) 'Old Boys' Newsletter - September 2018 Edition
Note: John Godfrey was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in Queens Birthday Honours list 2018 for services to the veteran community. I’m sure you would all join me in congratulating John on his award and the work he does for the veteran community. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Friday the 27 th July 2018, I received a phone call from the widow of Trevor Hicks . Effie Hicks had just accessed his computer and was looking at past emails etc. Effie then told me that Trevor had died in October 2016. Maybe somewhere along the line I missed Trevor’s death, but it is a stark reminder that at times our network lets us all down. Trevor served with 106 Battery in SVN from 4 February 1970 until 4 February 1971. Unfortunately, I do not know any more about him. Perhaps someone may like to help me with information to compose a suitable obituary. In my role as Obituary Resource Officer I do get many reports on the death of gunners of all ranks. However there have been several instances where the information is not being disseminated. Bill Gallagher (not a 4 Field Old Boy) is one example. He retired from the RAA as a WO1 and was our BSM of 106 Battery in Singapore. A wonderful man and excellent soldier but his funeral was apparently a lonely affair in Warrigal, Victoria. Frank Phillips is another example. I read about his death in the ‘Reveille’, the magazine of RSL NSW. I have no information about his funeral but can only hope he was farewelled in style From Ross Deegan (on 9 June 2018). Hi Peter. Hope all is well your way just a short note to let you know my new email address. Had a few things around here to report. I ended up with of all things lung cancer (upper left lobe) they cut it out and the cancer was about the size of your fist. This was followed by chemo a very interesting experience but now it’s over and I am improving so all is well we hope every 3 months it back for more tests, but such is life. Ross From Brian Swift (3 April 2018) Pete, unfortunately, my medical situation has forced me to be sensible and cancel my plans to join you and the gang for ANZAC Day this year. Please give all our beloved colleagues and spouses my love and best wishes. On doctors’ advice, it would not be wise to make the journey and all that goes with it. Also, due to the brain damage from the strokes, I fear that I may be emotionally overcome by the occasion and the likelihood that it may be my last gathering with my dear friends. Have a great get together and stay well. Love Swifty From Brian Swift (12 June 2018). Thanks for info Peter. I wish Lefty all the best. You may care to publish to the group that I am now in an TSL Nursing home at Alexandra Headland. It’s called Tantula Rise nursing home in Tantula Road West, Alexandra Headland. Sadly, Sandi is also in permanent care now and is paralysed on left side. She may end up here with me when her rehab program is complete. All the best to our colleagues, love Swifty. August update on the Swifts. Syd Farrow called in to see Swifty last week and he was fine. Uses a walking frame but very comfortable in his new digs. Sandy is currently in Perth visiting her daughter Karen and grandkids. Long term arrangements are not known. From Arthur Burke – Editor of ‘Tiger Rag’: long term (founding) member of 105 Battery Association; ex Commanding Officer of 4 th Field Regiment and other appointments too numerous to mention. Dear Ed. I was touched by John Wells' message and your reply in Newsletter No 33 regarding the loyalties of Gunners to their battery vs regimental associations. John's example with the 108th is amplified in the 105th where there is very strong support from the Nashos. However, I always felt for the blokes from Headquarters Battery and the RAEME members who were not part gun battery detachments. Particularly as we grew older, they were missing out of reliving the comradeship of their youth.
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